salamm to all...its been a very exciting last weekend for me..alhamdulillah sempena maal hijrah yang jatuh pada hari jumaat lepas, salah seorang tokoh ulama' agama terkenal dunia sheikh dr. yusof al-qaradhawi telah bersama2 hadir ke masjid shah alam untuk menyampaikan syarahan beliau...yang diadakan pada hari sabtu...memang aku dah jangka akan ramai and sesak la masjid ari aku pun decide tutup kedai awal around 5pm...then balik umah mandi and tukar baju...since kina pun dahnak pindah stay shah alam so aku pun ajak dia skali...tapi sayang lak dia tak dapat nak solat berjemaah sama2 hari tu...biasalah masalah wanita ehhehe anyways...stil dpt gak dengar syarahan tu..yang ada gak that day ramai exco2 negeri selangor dan termasuk lah dato seri anwar ibrahim...tapi x dapat la amik pc dia :-( its ok la...janji dpt tgk sheikh dr yusof bagi syarahan..
sheikh dr yusof jadi imam utk kami time solat maghrib tu...alhamdulillah dapat gak ikut solat yang dipimpin oleh tokoh ulama' tu :-) tempat kat atas memang sgt packed tapi alhamdulillah pihak masjid shah alam managed to handle all the inconvenient problem..tapi yang aku rasa mcm tak best sket adalah....bila sheikh dr yusof dah bg syarahan yg sgt2 bersemangat (dia bg syarahan dlm bhsa arab) tapi translator lak sampaikan mcm lemah je...hmmmm syg la...tapi pape pun mesej penyampaiannya kita faham...apa erti pengorbanan rasulullah s.a.w. ketika penghijrahan baginda dari kota makkah ke kota madinah al-munawwarah...bagaimana rasulullah s.a.w. berusaha untuk mencari satu tempat/bandar/kota yang boleh baginda perluaskan dan memperkembang kan lagi ajaran islam...sebagai umat islam sekarang khususnya,kita harus amik pengajaran dan x boleh dijadikan alasan pun untuk kita tidak melakukan penghijrahan dalam hidup atau apa2 perkara pun selagi ia membawa kepada KEBAIKAN...
selesai syarahan kira2 jam 8 lebih...dan terus dgn solat isyak berjemaah...aku rasa happy least dpt timba ilmu..dan kenal dgn lebih dekat dgn tokoh ulama' sheikh dr yusof ni..hopefully after this pihak kerajaan negeri selangor mahupun pihak masjid akan buat lagi program mcm ni dan invite lagi tokoh2 agama insyaAllah...
the exciting things other than that...kina my close cuzin dia dah pindah dok shah alam..eheheh pasni ade la kwn utk aku borak2 ke hang out ke...before ni just trough fon or sms je kan...kakra doakan kina dpt gain experience in work and life here :-)
to all of you peeps...semoga awal muharram tahun ni membuka mata kita tentang erti penghijrahan itu for me...penghijrahan akan dilakukan dlm diri asalkan ia dpt memberikan kebaikan dan kita sering berusaha nak merebut peluang tu...insyaAllah dgnniat yg baik Allah akan bagi kita jalan...aminnn...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
the serene life....
Subhanalllah....Allhuakbar..Alhamdulillah..... kalimah2 memuji kebesaran Allah dan memanjat kesyukuran ku padaNya...tidak ternilai yg hendak diungkapkan dgn kata2 dengan segala limpah serta kurniaNya pada ku sepanjang kehidupan ini...cuma sebagai manusia terkadang kita ni jahil dgn hukum Allah...mengejar sesuatu yg tidak pasti dlm kehidupan di dunia ini yg hanya bersifat sementara...yang dipenuhi dengan suka duka lakonan ciptaan manusia itu sendiri...ya..aku tak nafikan...aku adalah sebahagian daripada manusia2 itu....aku lalai...leka dibuai dgn syurga dunia dan mengejar ketenangan yg padaku pada masa itu adalah sesuatu yang mendamaikan.....MasyaAllah...walhal semua perkara itu tidak bertahan lama..bukan utk mengenang apa ygterjadi tetapi sebagai pengajaran utk diri sendiri yang masih lagi aku kategorikan 'still in learning process'...
dulu aku slalu terfikir...apa itu ketenangan jiwa...kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat?mungkin aku dpt rasakan kebahagiaan dunia,tapi kebanyakkannya sekejap and aku akan ending up dgn kecewa...sedih dan marah...kenapa semua ni jadi kat aku?dan masa tu terdetik aku sedar selama ini aku dah terlalu jauh dariMu Ya Allah....i've been over the limit in almost thing i've done in my life...tapi tetap benda dan fikiran tu hanya di angin lalu...SubhanaAllah..Engkau ampunkan lah dosa2 ku Ya Allah....sesungguhnya aku memang umat Mu yang sgt jahil...aku terima segala ujian dan dugaan yang pada ketika itu Engkau turunkan padaku...
time passes by...semakin hari aku makin keliru dan tercari2 dan berazam ingin sekali aku temui sesuatu yg missing in my life selama ini....serene life....kedamaian jiwa...jauh dari kusut,hati tak tenteram dan sebagainya....perjalanan ku tak semudah yg disangka...memang bnyk dugaan dan halangan...Allah nak tgk sejauh mana kekuatan hati ini menghadapi perkara2 sekeliling aku...Alhamdulillah.....syukur...aku temui solusi ke arah yg aku rasa selama ini aku tak jumpa...memang sentiasa ada dekat dgn kita...hanya satu iaitu Allah subhanahwataala...yang selama ini aku tak pernah temui rahmat dan mencari keberkatanNya kerana aku lupa...lalai...leka...jahil..dan hina....Ya Allah Engkau perbetulkan hati ku ke jalan Mu...tetapkan keimananku dgnMu....jgn Engkau pesongkan hati hambaMu ini Ya Allah....
akan aku jaga dan aku pegang sebaik2 nya insyaAllah....sesuatu yang bagiku amat berharga dan tak ternilai oleh wang ringgit.....dgn hidayah yg Allah beri padaku.....but still.....
the journey continues....
dulu aku slalu terfikir...apa itu ketenangan jiwa...kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat?mungkin aku dpt rasakan kebahagiaan dunia,tapi kebanyakkannya sekejap and aku akan ending up dgn kecewa...sedih dan marah...kenapa semua ni jadi kat aku?dan masa tu terdetik aku sedar selama ini aku dah terlalu jauh dariMu Ya Allah....i've been over the limit in almost thing i've done in my life...tapi tetap benda dan fikiran tu hanya di angin lalu...SubhanaAllah..Engkau ampunkan lah dosa2 ku Ya Allah....sesungguhnya aku memang umat Mu yang sgt jahil...aku terima segala ujian dan dugaan yang pada ketika itu Engkau turunkan padaku...
time passes by...semakin hari aku makin keliru dan tercari2 dan berazam ingin sekali aku temui sesuatu yg missing in my life selama ini....serene life....kedamaian jiwa...jauh dari kusut,hati tak tenteram dan sebagainya....perjalanan ku tak semudah yg disangka...memang bnyk dugaan dan halangan...Allah nak tgk sejauh mana kekuatan hati ini menghadapi perkara2 sekeliling aku...Alhamdulillah.....syukur...aku temui solusi ke arah yg aku rasa selama ini aku tak jumpa...memang sentiasa ada dekat dgn kita...hanya satu iaitu Allah subhanahwataala...yang selama ini aku tak pernah temui rahmat dan mencari keberkatanNya kerana aku lupa...lalai...leka...jahil..dan hina....Ya Allah Engkau perbetulkan hati ku ke jalan Mu...tetapkan keimananku dgnMu....jgn Engkau pesongkan hati hambaMu ini Ya Allah....
akan aku jaga dan aku pegang sebaik2 nya insyaAllah....sesuatu yang bagiku amat berharga dan tak ternilai oleh wang ringgit.....dgn hidayah yg Allah beri padaku.....but still.....
the journey continues....
"Kebahagiaan itu diibaratkan seperti sebatang pohon yang rendang, tempat tumbuhnya adalah jiwa dan perasaan kemanusiaan, ketakwaan kepada Allah adalah merupakan air, udara dan cahaya yang membantu pertumbuhannya"
Yusuf al-Qardawi
Monday, December 14, 2009
im back! :-D
assalamualaikum....yes i know that its been nearly a month (baru sebulan...dah rindu eh sama saya?hehehe) i've been not officially away actually from the internet connection,ada je online facebook update farmville..but only with my blogs...coz at that particular moment it's been countless occassion after another dan aku pun masa tu rasanye begitu cant get enough of farmville (liar!) and over all mcm2 la this is today im officially back on track!
since aku away ni actually mcm2 benda jadi...some of it were all the muslim had celebrated eiduladha and alhamdulillah aku tak terlepas peluang berpuasa sunat arafah..besar ganjarannya..and as usual balik seremban and tido umh the mean time gak...aku pegi penang with eim...the shortest trip ever within 24 hrs KL-PENANG-KEDAH-PENANG-KL....heheheh dasyat kan and of course la by plane....tu pun pg sana coz attend wedding my bestfriend..miza....semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat insyaAllahh :-D
ok its all only starters k for the the main course...Mr. A u remember right?ok after a few question lingered on my la we've known each other for 6 months...and still aku tak dapat the clearer sign from him...and alhamdulillah berkat doa dan solat istikharah yang aku buat finalli i got the answer...he's been knowing this one single lady...which aku rasa die dah kenal lama..and the words has spoken yang dia chose that lady...okay the thing is memang between us only kawan but more like a good/close friends...and the reason being he told me he wanted someone with a marriage experienced...which is why the lady yang dah pernah kawin and ada 5 anak is he's choice..memang sedih...after a few confessions between us and all...he didnt expected that ive got the feelings to him...and so on...tapi pape pun aku just nk remain friends je and same goes with him...ok la..and i just pray for he's happiness aminn...
alhamdulillah dgn doa selama ni aku dah tau from he's side...sedih gak at first tapi aku redha...mungkin dia bukan yg terbaik utk aku...
and now my heart is free again..until when?i dont know...but me Mr R still ada lagi...and dia lak mmg expressed he's feelings towards me..tgk la if dah jodoh and dia yg terbaik...i will know the answer sooner or later...
ok peeps got to go now...will cont to my next blog...
p/s:my current obsessions are..twilight..all of it!baik movie or buku....cant wait for eclipse next year....:-D
since aku away ni actually mcm2 benda jadi...some of it were all the muslim had celebrated eiduladha and alhamdulillah aku tak terlepas peluang berpuasa sunat arafah..besar ganjarannya..and as usual balik seremban and tido umh the mean time gak...aku pegi penang with eim...the shortest trip ever within 24 hrs KL-PENANG-KEDAH-PENANG-KL....heheheh dasyat kan and of course la by plane....tu pun pg sana coz attend wedding my bestfriend..miza....semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat insyaAllahh :-D
ok its all only starters k for the the main course...Mr. A u remember right?ok after a few question lingered on my la we've known each other for 6 months...and still aku tak dapat the clearer sign from him...and alhamdulillah berkat doa dan solat istikharah yang aku buat finalli i got the answer...he's been knowing this one single lady...which aku rasa die dah kenal lama..and the words has spoken yang dia chose that lady...okay the thing is memang between us only kawan but more like a good/close friends...and the reason being he told me he wanted someone with a marriage experienced...which is why the lady yang dah pernah kawin and ada 5 anak is he's choice..memang sedih...after a few confessions between us and all...he didnt expected that ive got the feelings to him...and so on...tapi pape pun aku just nk remain friends je and same goes with him...ok la..and i just pray for he's happiness aminn...
alhamdulillah dgn doa selama ni aku dah tau from he's side...sedih gak at first tapi aku redha...mungkin dia bukan yg terbaik utk aku...
and now my heart is free again..until when?i dont know...but me Mr R still ada lagi...and dia lak mmg expressed he's feelings towards me..tgk la if dah jodoh and dia yg terbaik...i will know the answer sooner or later...
ok peeps got to go now...will cont to my next blog...
p/s:my current obsessions are..twilight..all of it!baik movie or buku....cant wait for eclipse next year....:-D
Thursday, November 5, 2009
resipi ini malam
(post2 diluar kawalan mcm ni hanya berlaku sbulan skali je...berpandukan pada hormon nak period ku hehehe..)
dengan rasa tak sabar nye...malam ni dinner ku adalah....:-
1.nasik putih (brown rice?apa tu?heheheh sorry no diet2 ni..mkn je selagi gym2 gak la..)
2.bendi direbus
3.telur dadar dgn bawang
4.main dish------>ikan pekasam berserta hirisan bawang,tomato and cili api..
5.sambal belacan and...
last but not least..
6.kicap manis kipas udang
post ni memang sengaja dilakukan utk membuatkan anda2 diluar sana terliur...pada sape2 yg tak tau apa itu ikan dia...

ok rupa parasnya memang la tak semenggah TETAPIIII....kenikmatan rasa nya memang x ternilai....fuhhhhhh...(aku rasa org mengidam pregnant pun x camni)
ok2 la....aku dpt rasakan perut ku dah mengalun pelbagai genre ni...
nak balik ni daaaaaaa.....
dengan rasa tak sabar nye...malam ni dinner ku adalah....:-
1.nasik putih (brown rice?apa tu?heheheh sorry no diet2 ni..mkn je selagi gym2 gak la..)
2.bendi direbus
3.telur dadar dgn bawang
4.main dish------>ikan pekasam berserta hirisan bawang,tomato and cili api..
5.sambal belacan and...
last but not least..
6.kicap manis kipas udang
post ni memang sengaja dilakukan utk membuatkan anda2 diluar sana terliur...pada sape2 yg tak tau apa itu ikan dia...

ok rupa parasnya memang la tak semenggah TETAPIIII....kenikmatan rasa nya memang x ternilai....fuhhhhhh...(aku rasa org mengidam pregnant pun x camni)
ok2 la....aku dpt rasakan perut ku dah mengalun pelbagai genre ni...
nak balik ni daaaaaaa.....
ngidam nya udah lama kok!
ok...i went to the test shoot this morning and i was sooooo NERVOUS!
aku pun tak tau la pe masalah aku...yela x penah pun experienced benda2 camni dgn bersaksikan org dlm studion tu dekat 10 aku rasa ibarat melentur besi dari logam..gila felda aka peghak!
so dapat ke tak aku tak kisah yg penting aku pegi..ngeheheheh
hari adalah sgt penat juga dan lapar senantiasa...maybe hormon nak period aku ni nafsu nafsi apa je kaitan dgn makanan memang ibarat roller coaster ride yeehaaaaa!
lagi laaa ni ada kwn mak aku dtg kedai pastu cite punye tgh buat buss ikan pekasam which was comercialized lerr...xde la die meniaga dalam bakul dan menjual dari umah ke umah u olls!
pastu dgn tak semena2 auntie tu bertanya "fara suka ikan pekasam?" aku pun macam dipanah petir dan pemprosesan saliva aku kian ke tahap luar kawalan dan berkata "ya allahhh auntie....memang lama dah mencari tapi x dapat2"
and korang pun tau la pe jadi seterusnya?heheheheh bli satu ikan talapia pekasam n lampam pekasam...fuhhhhh ikutkan ati ni nak je rase sket ikan tu now (motifff????!!!) ye ye ye...aku mmg dah lama sgt kirim kat sape2 je gi utara tp sampai laaa ni x dapat2..
so my craving had been fulfilled!
owhhh x sabar nk mkn ini malammmmmm...laallaaaaalaaaaa~
aku pun tak tau la pe masalah aku...yela x penah pun experienced benda2 camni dgn bersaksikan org dlm studion tu dekat 10 aku rasa ibarat melentur besi dari logam..gila felda aka peghak!
so dapat ke tak aku tak kisah yg penting aku pegi..ngeheheheh
hari adalah sgt penat juga dan lapar senantiasa...maybe hormon nak period aku ni nafsu nafsi apa je kaitan dgn makanan memang ibarat roller coaster ride yeehaaaaa!
lagi laaa ni ada kwn mak aku dtg kedai pastu cite punye tgh buat buss ikan pekasam which was comercialized lerr...xde la die meniaga dalam bakul dan menjual dari umah ke umah u olls!
pastu dgn tak semena2 auntie tu bertanya "fara suka ikan pekasam?" aku pun macam dipanah petir dan pemprosesan saliva aku kian ke tahap luar kawalan dan berkata "ya allahhh auntie....memang lama dah mencari tapi x dapat2"
and korang pun tau la pe jadi seterusnya?heheheheh bli satu ikan talapia pekasam n lampam pekasam...fuhhhhh ikutkan ati ni nak je rase sket ikan tu now (motifff????!!!) ye ye ye...aku mmg dah lama sgt kirim kat sape2 je gi utara tp sampai laaa ni x dapat2..
so my craving had been fulfilled!
owhhh x sabar nk mkn ini malammmmmm...laallaaaaalaaaaa~
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
weekends overview
salammmm...almost a week gak aku tak post any new topics here...alhamdulillah baruje recovery from sakit mata..antibiotik pun aku dah abiskan past few now mata dah tak rasa pedih2 lagi,tapi as per doctor advice...aku kena dulu pakai specs wat masa ni...except for this coming thurs..reason why???hehehhehe...ok aku dpt offer from magazine NUR for photoshoot utk model tudung..dah nama pun magazine utk muslimah kan...they called me last week to comfirm with me..than aku ckp la aku sakit mata but they assured that within a week sure dah baik (seperti mereka saja doktor itu hehehe..)..alhamdulillah mmg dah baik...tapi now mcm rasa fobia lak nk pakai lense,coz terigt blk tragedi mata vampire aku last week heheh..photoshoot ruangan apa and pasal apa?dont ask me coz nanti sok aku nak call balik kak nina magazine NUR tu...doa2 kanla mane la tau kann murah rezeki aku jadi part time pasni hehehehe (berangannnnn....)
weekends so far ok and last thurs busu n busu zaki dtg sini stayed at crown princess then on friday diorg checked in kat concorde shah mmg dorang nak belanja la n asked me where?mmg aku suggest nkmkn kat victoria station..aiyooo i tell u the lamb cutlet is to die for and lobster with cheese...fuhhhh!tetapi disebabkan last week hujan all day n leh katakan everyday so we decided to had dinner at meltin pot in concorde i had lamb rack with herbs gravy and potatoes cake...sdapla nak lepas gian makan western..
saturday nite i had dinner with syaza in showru KJ...minah tu ngidam itik hehehe...aku biasa2 je la...coz mood ngidam tu masa awal2 mkn tu yg hyper sket...borak n borak and we decided to go to live band in concorde...lama dah ok x tgk n plus live band situ mcm open xde la mcm kat kl tu mmg ade dancefloor sume...aku pun niat bknnk enjoy2 juz nk borak2 have coffee and dgr lagu tu je...dah la vocalist female die suara tah pape!yg guys ok la...tgh dok borak2...skali tu kitorg ternampak kwn2 Mr.A...x sangka lak terserempak...pastu baru tau ofis dorg kat situ then lepak la jap dgn we all...tak lama la coz tgk jam by 12.30am aku dah mintak nk gerak n syaza pun nk balik kl..
owhh and one more thing...a new slot of schedule in my daily routine...ada gak la something yg berfaedah aku nk buat kan...alhamdulillah start last friday aku dah attend kuliah yg di organize oleh taman kesenian islam shah alam ni...actually dah lama nk cari kuliah2 ni tp tak tau katne...and last week gak la aku terjumpa balik kak suraya and aunty farid,dari kak suraya la aku tau class2 kuliah ni...thank u kak aya! :-) .the class will be held every mon,tues,wed and fri at the same venue except for thurs and sat at masjid shah sincelast sat mama xde pg raub so aku belum pegi lagi class kat masjid tu...igt dis thurs dpt pegi tp dah ada appt kat karangkraf..and weekends insyallah nak stay umah ayah kat tanjung malim...nest week la kot
all the uztaz adalah sgt2 interesting dlm kuliah termasuk ustaz salehuddin(yg ni best!),ustaz kamal asshaari(fav dgn kuliah die),ustaz zulkifli and uztaz yg a few aku penah attend..and insyallah aku jadikan rutin...bagus2 semua kuliah diorang..if u guys yg stay shah alam blh la join..time die dari 9.00am till 11.00am..insyallah dapat tambahkan ilmu pengetahuan kita :-)
ok till then i'll update u guys bout my shoot with NUR...nak tau gak kan mcm mane hehehe..
p/s:sedih kekalahan berturut lfc! :'-(
dis seasonnape la mcm ni skali????whyyyy??whyyyyyy???----->gangguan emosi jap
weekends so far ok and last thurs busu n busu zaki dtg sini stayed at crown princess then on friday diorg checked in kat concorde shah mmg dorang nak belanja la n asked me where?mmg aku suggest nkmkn kat victoria station..aiyooo i tell u the lamb cutlet is to die for and lobster with cheese...fuhhhh!tetapi disebabkan last week hujan all day n leh katakan everyday so we decided to had dinner at meltin pot in concorde i had lamb rack with herbs gravy and potatoes cake...sdapla nak lepas gian makan western..
saturday nite i had dinner with syaza in showru KJ...minah tu ngidam itik hehehe...aku biasa2 je la...coz mood ngidam tu masa awal2 mkn tu yg hyper sket...borak n borak and we decided to go to live band in concorde...lama dah ok x tgk n plus live band situ mcm open xde la mcm kat kl tu mmg ade dancefloor sume...aku pun niat bknnk enjoy2 juz nk borak2 have coffee and dgr lagu tu je...dah la vocalist female die suara tah pape!yg guys ok la...tgh dok borak2...skali tu kitorg ternampak kwn2 Mr.A...x sangka lak terserempak...pastu baru tau ofis dorg kat situ then lepak la jap dgn we all...tak lama la coz tgk jam by 12.30am aku dah mintak nk gerak n syaza pun nk balik kl..
owhh and one more thing...a new slot of schedule in my daily routine...ada gak la something yg berfaedah aku nk buat kan...alhamdulillah start last friday aku dah attend kuliah yg di organize oleh taman kesenian islam shah alam ni...actually dah lama nk cari kuliah2 ni tp tak tau katne...and last week gak la aku terjumpa balik kak suraya and aunty farid,dari kak suraya la aku tau class2 kuliah ni...thank u kak aya! :-) .the class will be held every mon,tues,wed and fri at the same venue except for thurs and sat at masjid shah sincelast sat mama xde pg raub so aku belum pegi lagi class kat masjid tu...igt dis thurs dpt pegi tp dah ada appt kat karangkraf..and weekends insyallah nak stay umah ayah kat tanjung malim...nest week la kot
all the uztaz adalah sgt2 interesting dlm kuliah termasuk ustaz salehuddin(yg ni best!),ustaz kamal asshaari(fav dgn kuliah die),ustaz zulkifli and uztaz yg a few aku penah attend..and insyallah aku jadikan rutin...bagus2 semua kuliah diorang..if u guys yg stay shah alam blh la join..time die dari 9.00am till 11.00am..insyallah dapat tambahkan ilmu pengetahuan kita :-)
ok till then i'll update u guys bout my shoot with NUR...nak tau gak kan mcm mane hehehe..
p/s:sedih kekalahan berturut lfc! :'-(
dis seasonnape la mcm ni skali????whyyyy??whyyyyyy???----->gangguan emosi jap
Thursday, October 29, 2009
merah mata putihku
i've been hybernated or in other words....MC hehhehe sincelast tues...(apa lagi la minah ni kan...sakitje..)..ok i heard that...this is all cause of my lenses!!urghhhhhh~! but this time are worst than ever ok! it started on tuesday itself when syaza came to shah alam for supper..or dinner..either one la in pakli....we all sat outside so the lighting are a bit flourescent..and i havent changed my lenses since morning...tapi takpela coz before this pun it happened yang aku akan bukak lense only when im at home...
so the stories begun......tgh syok2 makan...everyone that passed us they will looked at us (or i might say,ONLY looked at me..) and smiled all the way and aku pun ada ala2 ter feeling bahawasanya adakah aku begitu anggun pada malam itu?yes its trueeeeeee okkkkk...tapi dlm masa yg sama aku ade gak pegang2 kat mata aku tengok mcm ok je xde rasa x selesa ke apa...and si bonda ni plak kalo mata aku merah surely die tegur ni relax je aku terus kan la perborakan dan permakanan (bahasa apakah ini?)
untillll la masa nak bayar kat cashier,ade this one table full of guys...(nasib baik la budak2 student kan...) tengok kat aku sambi pointing at me and tersengih2!tiem tu aku dah rasa xkan la sampai terpesona tgk aku dgn berani nya pointed at me?!!
ok di rumahhh aku dah rase mcm x sedap atiii...when i looked at the mirror and i saw thissssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!:

hahahha no laaa tapi mata putih aku memang dah merah gila la....i was petrified by it...and starting from that nite and the next day still tak putih2 lagi..uwaaaaaaaaa :'( .so yesterday i went to clinic and alhamdulillah today dah ok sket tapi ada rasa pedih lagi...and i was required to wear specs for the time long as my eyes got a speedy recovery...and kept on took the meds..
nak puas kan hati yang lara ni tadi pg ARIANI in kota damansara and i bought myself two tudung!weeeeeee :-D
p/s:alhamdulillah...i met up again with a friend of our family...a close one we used to be...after a very long silence...and tomorrow insyallah we will go for my first tazkirah at taman kesenian islam in shah alam...which aku memang dah lama sgt nak pegi nk gain back my islamic knowledge...semoga allah permudahkan jalan ku ini aminnnn...
so the stories begun......tgh syok2 makan...everyone that passed us they will looked at us (or i might say,ONLY looked at me..) and smiled all the way and aku pun ada ala2 ter feeling bahawasanya adakah aku begitu anggun pada malam itu?yes its trueeeeeee okkkkk...tapi dlm masa yg sama aku ade gak pegang2 kat mata aku tengok mcm ok je xde rasa x selesa ke apa...and si bonda ni plak kalo mata aku merah surely die tegur ni relax je aku terus kan la perborakan dan permakanan (bahasa apakah ini?)
untillll la masa nak bayar kat cashier,ade this one table full of guys...(nasib baik la budak2 student kan...) tengok kat aku sambi pointing at me and tersengih2!tiem tu aku dah rasa xkan la sampai terpesona tgk aku dgn berani nya pointed at me?!!
ok di rumahhh aku dah rase mcm x sedap atiii...when i looked at the mirror and i saw thissssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!:

hahahha no laaa tapi mata putih aku memang dah merah gila la....i was petrified by it...and starting from that nite and the next day still tak putih2 lagi..uwaaaaaaaaa :'( .so yesterday i went to clinic and alhamdulillah today dah ok sket tapi ada rasa pedih lagi...and i was required to wear specs for the time long as my eyes got a speedy recovery...and kept on took the meds..
nak puas kan hati yang lara ni tadi pg ARIANI in kota damansara and i bought myself two tudung!weeeeeee :-D
p/s:alhamdulillah...i met up again with a friend of our family...a close one we used to be...after a very long silence...and tomorrow insyallah we will go for my first tazkirah at taman kesenian islam in shah alam...which aku memang dah lama sgt nak pegi nk gain back my islamic knowledge...semoga allah permudahkan jalan ku ini aminnnn...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
kisah dukun

dalam banyak2 filem seram mistik di malaysia ni yang pernah ditayangkan aku rasa filem ni la yang paling aku tunggu2 nak tangok,terbitan Astro Shaw...ada yang kata filem ni di adaptasi dari kisah benar seorang bomoh yang famous amos (sape la lagi kalo bukan mona fendey) kat malaysia ni suatu ketika dulu yang pernah menggemparkan tanah air kita berkaitan kisah pembunuhan ADUN Batu Talam ketika itu Dato' Mazlan Idris..wallahualam...
yang pastinya sebab utama aku nak sgt tunggu cerita ni kalau ye pun betul la tentang kejadian berkenaan,nak gak aku tau selok belok and garapan filem ni oleh pengarahnya Dain Iskandar.dari segi sinematografinya dan juga of course aku nak tgk coz aktres kegemaran ku berlakon dalam ni..umie aida...sure gempak and hidup nye la filem ni!aku dah tgk preview die...its not even similar pun dgn filem susuk (yang bagi aku biasa2 je la...even pelakon2 die agak best)..aku dapat rasakan filem dukun ni lain dari yang lain...tapi apa kan daya bila filem2 seperti ini amatla sukar nak disiarkan berhubung dgn sensitiviti masyarakat melayu secara am nya..lebih2 lagi bila ada pihak yang menyatakan keluarga arwah mona fendy menghalang dari filem ini disiarkan di pawagam...even pihak astor shaw menyangkal statement itu...tepuk dada tanya selera...
mungkin jugak filem ni a resemblance by the incident or maybe not...tapi cuba kita amik contoh dari filem barat (aku bukan nak sokong mane2 pihak la dlm hal ni...sekadar beri pendapat..) yg mengutarakan kisah2 benar dan di filem kan supaya dijadikan iktibar pada kita semua...aku amik contoh dari filem GIA la...mengisahkan life story seorang model terkenal suatu ketika dulu...gia marie caranghi...yang kehidupannya dalam filem itu dikupas dgn agak jujur dan sbg seorang bisexual...penagih dadah dan heavy coke (coccaine)...dah akhirnya kehidupan tragis berkakhir dgn kematian sebagai seorang penghidap HIV...
so bagi aku la...mungkin filem dukun ni(and im pretty damn positive sure about it) takkan die nak potray 100% tentang kisah sebenar disebalik pembunuhan Dato Maslan tu...takda makna la kan nk tunjuk scene2 kerat 18 tu....aku rasa before shoot scene tu lagi LFM dah banned all the crew production...cumaaa dia akan gunakan filem ini sebagai 'disebalik kisah berkenaan' dengan tukar the actual situation and props and jalan cite ada edit2 sket la kan...
pape pun aku mmg frust a tak dapat diteruskan filem ni...rasanya supposedly would be on big screen 2006 or 2007 tak silap harap2 pihak LFM dan keluarga arwah dapat mempertimbangkan perkara ni...
aku ada baca cite ni from a blog ni regardig kejadian pembunuhan ni (even until now xde sape pun tau cite ni kenapa mengapa bagaimana?)..korang leh click kat link bawah ni...
huhuhu...amik iktibar sesungguhnya dunia ni hanyala pinjaman dari allah taala semata2...mcm mcm mane pun sbg hambanya perlu rasa bersyukur dgn nikmat yang diberiNya...dan ada kala disebabkan ketamakan kuasa org sanggup buat apa sahaja asalkan apa yang dihajati tu terlaksana...tanpa menyedari yang cara mereka lakukan itu adalah syirik dan khurafat!nauzubillah...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
selangor quarter final
hehehhehe as i told u before kan..kannn..kannnnnn....hahahhaha (sambil tertawa gedik ibarat puteri bunian di tepian sungai membasuh kain..) i went again to the game last nite...hikhikhik...adalah blushing di sini...tetapi suka nan garik...*biggest grin*
but the saddest part was......selangor draw 1-1 with terengganu!!!sangat sengal k dgn result smlm...
pape pun aku doakan la dorg menang game away this weekend okay guys?
these are few of the gedikness pics :
selang bape minit je tganu 1st gol lak..and sampai la kesudah draw!huh!
but the saddest part was......selangor draw 1-1 with terengganu!!!sangat sengal k dgn result smlm...
pape pun aku doakan la dorg menang game away this weekend okay guys?
these are few of the gedikness pics :

overall it was fun coz biasala aku kan lain macam sket spirit bila tgk bola live kan heheh...and disamping.....hehhehhe no need to tell la kan....
disebabkan smlm la aku demam n flu n sore throat ni...
P/S:missing my itik...i dont know why...
disebabkan smlm la aku demam n flu n sore throat ni...
P/S:missing my itik...i dont know why...
yes at last my routine got back on track!which is gym la apa lagi kan hehheeh...after a countless of raya open house and uncontrollable of eating...there u have it!me the boolat!actually its not that bulat'ness' la...but i felt unhealthy...and my arms tend to becoming flabby...and owh thighs..i can saw that cruelty of strecth marks starting to make it own way all over...*sighhhh*
its true you know whenever u started to worked out and u made it as a routine,and suddenly you stopped for quite awhile your body mechanism starting to evaluate more over than before...or i might say...membesar dengan sihat nya bagaikan kanank2 dumex!
so maintainess are A MUST!luckyly i have this enthusiastic energy to keep it in mind...or else i wont fit in those jeans...aku pun taknak la sampai digelar peha fafau drumstick itu!dah la nama fara gak huhu..
adalah melampau k kalo paha aku dah sampai tahap sebegitu....memang aku terus sign up kat mary france la...coz bare in mind that im blessed with hour glass figure which is adalah sgt2 susah nak maintain...especially pas beranak...wahaaaaaaaaa!!
ok saya penat ni berpeluh...tetapi badan dah cargas yeayyy!
cuma selsema ni je tak berenti flowing... :-(
its true you know whenever u started to worked out and u made it as a routine,and suddenly you stopped for quite awhile your body mechanism starting to evaluate more over than before...or i might say...membesar dengan sihat nya bagaikan kanank2 dumex!
so maintainess are A MUST!luckyly i have this enthusiastic energy to keep it in mind...or else i wont fit in those jeans...aku pun taknak la sampai digelar peha fafau drumstick itu!dah la nama fara gak huhu..

adalah melampau k kalo paha aku dah sampai tahap sebegitu....memang aku terus sign up kat mary france la...coz bare in mind that im blessed with hour glass figure which is adalah sgt2 susah nak maintain...especially pas beranak...wahaaaaaaaaa!!
ok saya penat ni berpeluh...tetapi badan dah cargas yeayyy!
cuma selsema ni je tak berenti flowing... :-(
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
my wishlist...
ni tgh xde if u wants to puke or watever silakan heheheh...but so far this what i want so badly!
i soooo want this!!memangla it was kindda outdated if someone could say...tak kira nak jugak!

2.LV damier neverfull canvas
im aiming it baby!insyallah one day...

3.Petite cherie by Annick Goutal
i havent seen the perfume so far...but i read it somewhere in Harper' sound different than other usual fragrance in market..tapi mcm best je...coz i like it different other there in market

ok this was by far la....tak tau soonnnn anyone who would like to be my santa?
kan aku dah ckp surely ade yg muntah hehehe
i soooo want this!!memangla it was kindda outdated if someone could say...tak kira nak jugak!

2.LV damier neverfull canvas
im aiming it baby!insyallah one day...

3.Petite cherie by Annick Goutal
i havent seen the perfume so far...but i read it somewhere in Harper' sound different than other usual fragrance in market..tapi mcm best je...coz i like it different other there in market

ok this was by far la....tak tau soonnnn anyone who would like to be my santa?
kan aku dah ckp surely ade yg muntah hehehe
open house dan badan yg berat
last weekends was a fun fun day!i had 4 invitation for open house..all in one day...but after shortlisted the i decided to went only 3 out of 4..(cehhhh mcm la di shortlisted kan jadi satu je kan..).the elimination for the other house tu adalah...sebab2 tertentu..heheheh no need to elaborate here la eh..ok2 back to the was at mayang's my ex uitm colleague,bibi's my facebook buddies and kak nurul in putrajaya...since syaza have known mayang before this we went for her wedding so i tagged her along with me to the open house marathon..
syaza picked me up at jelatek lrt..yela it was saturday..u know la my schedule dgn transportation and all...and she told me "dont worry la beb...mlm after last open house kat putrajaya aku anta ko shah alam.." ok then only i agreed..thank u syaza!
sampai2 je dia amik aku kitorg dah sgt2 lapar...1st open house started at 4pm...huhuhu lambat la lagi we went to this restraunt in wangsa maju and had nasi was my first time afterward we lepak2 at syaza's place first..sementara nak mengosongkan perut ni around 4-ish we straight away to mayang's in seri maya condo...cantik sgt the place!and the interior in her house was jaw dropping...credits to her n hubby i might say...memang meletops deco!sorry pic keseluruhan umah xde la kan...kang guest2 kat situ pelik lak dah kenapa amik angel2 ko dari magazine anjung seri?
the food was varies la..roti jala nasi beriyani..sate..lemang ketupat...etc...tetapi oleh kerana ade lagi 2 rumah yg bakal we decided to ate in aku just amik meehoon goreng...snap2 chit chat..even takleh lama kan kena timing...but overall i had a great time...especially dah lama tak jumpe mayang next stop was bibi's house in duta nusantara...i tell you la....the house there was my goodness...mcm ala2 laman seri kat sec 13 shah alam ni..jgn ckp la rumah bibi pun mmg vast!dalam ati aku dok nye nanti umah sendiri leh wat own deco mcm ni..macam tu huhuhu...ok enough!but by the time we all sampai it was maghrib and bibi's first session just ended...dia buat 2 session so its easier and xdela org terkejar2 nak the food memang x bnyk coz waiting for the next batch...takpela janji dapat dtg n seeing her live for the first time...selama ni dok berborak dlm FB je kan..and coincidently she was nahiz wifey...what a small world la kan.
ok this time i had meehoon as well...huhuhu...coz soto die dah abis...the best part dapat jumpa muhammad bibi's son...alahaiii sgt cheeky n aodrable!waited for nahiz after solat maghrib then we make a move..aiyooo last stop putrayajaaa...time tu masing2 dah ala2 penat letih n badan dh melekit..tapi gagahkan gak..sampai2 je memang la was kak nurul's parent open house..mmg banyak food stalls but i only managed to had mee goreng only!dah tak larat n terus kenyang coz org packed sgt...yee open house aritu aku memang amik mee je la about 11.30 mcm tu kitorg balik...sian syaza kena anta aku blk shah alam...overall it was tiring but im happy la dapat jumpa bibi..kak wawa yg selama ni dlm fb je hehehe..
now i felt my whole body was bolated..i cant barely looking at my thighs..huhuhu aku dah mula mem berisi kan diri ini!i hate it....!!!after a months plus gak la x pegi gym...need to workout so badlyyyyyyyy :'-(
these are the few pics i uploaded...the rest in my FB..enjoy!
last open house with tuan rumah kak wawa the gorgeous!
moral of the story...time open house makan je but in moderation la...later2 baru workout hehehehhe..
syaza picked me up at jelatek lrt..yela it was saturday..u know la my schedule dgn transportation and all...and she told me "dont worry la beb...mlm after last open house kat putrajaya aku anta ko shah alam.." ok then only i agreed..thank u syaza!
sampai2 je dia amik aku kitorg dah sgt2 lapar...1st open house started at 4pm...huhuhu lambat la lagi we went to this restraunt in wangsa maju and had nasi was my first time afterward we lepak2 at syaza's place first..sementara nak mengosongkan perut ni around 4-ish we straight away to mayang's in seri maya condo...cantik sgt the place!and the interior in her house was jaw dropping...credits to her n hubby i might say...memang meletops deco!sorry pic keseluruhan umah xde la kan...kang guest2 kat situ pelik lak dah kenapa amik angel2 ko dari magazine anjung seri?
the food was varies la..roti jala nasi beriyani..sate..lemang ketupat...etc...tetapi oleh kerana ade lagi 2 rumah yg bakal we decided to ate in aku just amik meehoon goreng...snap2 chit chat..even takleh lama kan kena timing...but overall i had a great time...especially dah lama tak jumpe mayang next stop was bibi's house in duta nusantara...i tell you la....the house there was my goodness...mcm ala2 laman seri kat sec 13 shah alam ni..jgn ckp la rumah bibi pun mmg vast!dalam ati aku dok nye nanti umah sendiri leh wat own deco mcm ni..macam tu huhuhu...ok enough!but by the time we all sampai it was maghrib and bibi's first session just ended...dia buat 2 session so its easier and xdela org terkejar2 nak the food memang x bnyk coz waiting for the next batch...takpela janji dapat dtg n seeing her live for the first time...selama ni dok berborak dlm FB je kan..and coincidently she was nahiz wifey...what a small world la kan.
ok this time i had meehoon as well...huhuhu...coz soto die dah abis...the best part dapat jumpa muhammad bibi's son...alahaiii sgt cheeky n aodrable!waited for nahiz after solat maghrib then we make a move..aiyooo last stop putrayajaaa...time tu masing2 dah ala2 penat letih n badan dh melekit..tapi gagahkan gak..sampai2 je memang la was kak nurul's parent open house..mmg banyak food stalls but i only managed to had mee goreng only!dah tak larat n terus kenyang coz org packed sgt...yee open house aritu aku memang amik mee je la about 11.30 mcm tu kitorg balik...sian syaza kena anta aku blk shah alam...overall it was tiring but im happy la dapat jumpa bibi..kak wawa yg selama ni dlm fb je hehehe..
now i felt my whole body was bolated..i cant barely looking at my thighs..huhuhu aku dah mula mem berisi kan diri ini!i hate it....!!!after a months plus gak la x pegi gym...need to workout so badlyyyyyyyy :'-(
these are the few pics i uploaded...the rest in my FB..enjoy!
snap snap lagi..

moral of the story...time open house makan je but in moderation la...later2 baru workout hehehehhe..
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
football and a good company
yesterday i went to stadium shah alam with syaza after the last match i watched (selangor vs KM naza) few months was as happening as usual la whenever the both of us meet up..dah nama pun dua2 kaki the feelings watching lives are priceless! yela mmg la tak sama nak di compare kan dgn game2 EPL or serie A...tapi bila la masanya aku nak sampai ke sana thankful as it be we still can watched it lives...fair enogh la..
so we went with Mr.A by he's invitation..of course VIP pass both of us pun tergedik2 sukeeee..but this was a second time for me went with him and 1st with its a good thing as well for me wanted him to get to know my friend..alhamdulillah as i would predicted last night was full of hillariousness and silliness of us...syaza can get along well with him and so does him..even aku rasa kitorg lagi bnyk gelak dari tgk game tu! the end of the game selangor beat sabah 4-1!yeayyyy..syaza tak sia2 ko dtg dari kl hehe..
later on we went for makan2 in kelana jaya..where else la if not with Mr.A fav of all time...itik panggang! ok at first for me like..itik?huhuhu...x pernah makan ok and mcm best ke kan?the first time we've met he introduced it to me and surprisingly i liked it!sangattt sedapppp...sampaikan instant noodle pun aku pernah beli duck gerai itik panggang tu kat sebelah bangunan MAS...noted the place so after this boleh la pergi lagi..we went there with all Mr.A's friend..makan borak gelak makan borak n gelak lagi..sedar2 dah kul 12.30am!
after all it was a great night for me..and waiting for the next game weeeeeee :-)
so we went with Mr.A by he's invitation..of course VIP pass both of us pun tergedik2 sukeeee..but this was a second time for me went with him and 1st with its a good thing as well for me wanted him to get to know my friend..alhamdulillah as i would predicted last night was full of hillariousness and silliness of us...syaza can get along well with him and so does him..even aku rasa kitorg lagi bnyk gelak dari tgk game tu! the end of the game selangor beat sabah 4-1!yeayyyy..syaza tak sia2 ko dtg dari kl hehe..
later on we went for makan2 in kelana jaya..where else la if not with Mr.A fav of all time...itik panggang! ok at first for me like..itik?huhuhu...x pernah makan ok and mcm best ke kan?the first time we've met he introduced it to me and surprisingly i liked it!sangattt sedapppp...sampaikan instant noodle pun aku pernah beli duck gerai itik panggang tu kat sebelah bangunan MAS...noted the place so after this boleh la pergi lagi..we went there with all Mr.A's friend..makan borak gelak makan borak n gelak lagi..sedar2 dah kul 12.30am!
after all it was a great night for me..and waiting for the next game weeeeeee :-)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
yeayyy today's my officially raya celebration!! as i finished my puasa 6..syukur sgt2...but..i've got another 3 days left to complete my replacement of fasting...thank god for this year i only skipped for only 9 days..
and tomorrow as a reward to it(mcm la x penah makan kan...) i'll be attending my pak teh's place for open house..cant wait! :-)
still wondering what for berbuka puasa today....haihhhh...why la ikea's so far away from shah alam...yes im the biggest fans for their swedish meat balls!it was like superlicious yummy ok!hhuhuhu..thinking about it already making me starving la....
and the winner is

mr teppanyaki!!yeayyyy..besides.. it's nearer to me and i cant remember the last time i had it with kina at alam sentral...and it's attached with station kopitiam which have potugese fish(the fish was marinated with spices and have petai or ladies finger in it and wrapped in aluminum foil) with rice......hmmmm ok2....enough!....
happy weekends y'all!
and tomorrow as a reward to it(mcm la x penah makan kan...) i'll be attending my pak teh's place for open house..cant wait! :-)
still wondering what for berbuka puasa today....haihhhh...why la ikea's so far away from shah alam...yes im the biggest fans for their swedish meat balls!it was like superlicious yummy ok!hhuhuhu..thinking about it already making me starving la....
and the winner is

mr teppanyaki!!yeayyyy..besides.. it's nearer to me and i cant remember the last time i had it with kina at alam sentral...and it's attached with station kopitiam which have potugese fish(the fish was marinated with spices and have petai or ladies finger in it and wrapped in aluminum foil) with rice......hmmmm ok2....enough!....
happy weekends y'all!
Friday, October 2, 2009
it's all about the feelings
after quite awhile i've been thinking to post bout this topic for soo many times..but in the end i just forgot bout it and recreating other post..but it seems now i just wanna share what i felt deep down inside me...hehehehe sorry ya its kindda melodrama a bit..but at least i could share something with u guys..
alhamdulillah at this age there's nothing i wanna complaint about my life (actually tak patut pun kita sebagai hambaNya nak merungut..kena selalu bersyukur..),i have my family by my side...a very supporting mama n ayah..i am happy..lebih2 lagi dgn appearance aku yg sudah berhijab aku rasa kan satu ketenangan dlm daily lives aku..just..yes...i knew u could guessed it...a guy kan?heheheh..
for me part of it said yes and part of it i would think positively yang semua ni dah ditentukan oleh allah taala..sama ada cepat atau lambat kita kena sentiasa berdoa and usaha..bila cakap bab usaha ni honestly la...deep down inside me,i felt tired...exhausted..bout all this thingy...tapi aku pun macam wanita lain yg ada perasaan,nak sentiasa diberi perhatian and ada companion.bukan x usaha,yes after the previous relationship which i would call it as a disaster,i felt like i'm being too aware towards guy (which is memang la kena kan...kalo tak takkan ko nak rembat je sape2..),aku susah nak menilai sama ada apa yg lelaki ckp or luahkan kat aku tu is it honest enough or you just like other typical guy yg suka bermain dgn kata2?
after a several uncountable knewing a guy,at this point u deffinitely would guessed how i felt,tapi alhamdulillah aku kuatkan semangat cuba bukak balik hati ni nak kenal dgn lelaki2 as at now..(hopefully xnak dah la ramai2 wat pening pale je..) aku mmg kenal dgn dua lelaki ni...which has the same status..single parents..kadang2 aku pun terfikir ntah2 jodoh aku dgn duda kot hahahha...anyways aku terima asalkan bukan hak sesiapa..lagipun jodoh tu kita boleh usaha dan elakkan apa yg sepatutnya...takkan la tetibe ko kenal dgn dis one guy yang kaki minum ajak ko kawin then ko nak cakap takpela dah jodoh aku terima je..hello....itu ko yg sengal...boleh pikir and boleh elak...contohlaaa kannnn...
so for this 2 guys masing2 ada pros n cons...tapi masing2 now dan termasuk la pada aku gak hanya berkata2 dalam hati je...semua buat masa ni belum sampai tahap ke deep conversation about feelings..and of course la between this two,one of them yang aku rase lagi selesa and berdoa pada allah semoga kitorang long lasting....but it's all about the feelings....nak dapat keserasian antara dua pihak tu mungkin ade sesetengah orang tu senang,maybe dalam situation aku ni takes time sket...yelaa...dgn lelaki yang ade experience marriage failure dan aku yang terlalu berhati2 disebabkan previous benda ni aku redha and hanya mampu doa yang terbaik dalam life ni..
sometimes aku rasa aku dah ready nak settle down but sometimes aku ade rasa takut if lelaki yg aku akan kawin nanti in future x dapat nak bahagia kan aku...coz i think my expectation towards marriage ni agak tinggi...hmmm xleh gak kan..but i dont want my kids experienced a broken family like how i felt..mintak dijauhkan la...
it is tough whenever you're 27 and you still single!hahahhahaa...
p/s:btw..they're MR. A and MR. R i would mentioned...which is which?heehehe...we'll see la nanti eh
alhamdulillah at this age there's nothing i wanna complaint about my life (actually tak patut pun kita sebagai hambaNya nak merungut..kena selalu bersyukur..),i have my family by my side...a very supporting mama n ayah..i am happy..lebih2 lagi dgn appearance aku yg sudah berhijab aku rasa kan satu ketenangan dlm daily lives aku..just..yes...i knew u could guessed it...a guy kan?heheheh..
for me part of it said yes and part of it i would think positively yang semua ni dah ditentukan oleh allah taala..sama ada cepat atau lambat kita kena sentiasa berdoa and usaha..bila cakap bab usaha ni honestly la...deep down inside me,i felt tired...exhausted..bout all this thingy...tapi aku pun macam wanita lain yg ada perasaan,nak sentiasa diberi perhatian and ada companion.bukan x usaha,yes after the previous relationship which i would call it as a disaster,i felt like i'm being too aware towards guy (which is memang la kena kan...kalo tak takkan ko nak rembat je sape2..),aku susah nak menilai sama ada apa yg lelaki ckp or luahkan kat aku tu is it honest enough or you just like other typical guy yg suka bermain dgn kata2?
after a several uncountable knewing a guy,at this point u deffinitely would guessed how i felt,tapi alhamdulillah aku kuatkan semangat cuba bukak balik hati ni nak kenal dgn lelaki2 as at now..(hopefully xnak dah la ramai2 wat pening pale je..) aku mmg kenal dgn dua lelaki ni...which has the same status..single parents..kadang2 aku pun terfikir ntah2 jodoh aku dgn duda kot hahahha...anyways aku terima asalkan bukan hak sesiapa..lagipun jodoh tu kita boleh usaha dan elakkan apa yg sepatutnya...takkan la tetibe ko kenal dgn dis one guy yang kaki minum ajak ko kawin then ko nak cakap takpela dah jodoh aku terima je..hello....itu ko yg sengal...boleh pikir and boleh elak...contohlaaa kannnn...
so for this 2 guys masing2 ada pros n cons...tapi masing2 now dan termasuk la pada aku gak hanya berkata2 dalam hati je...semua buat masa ni belum sampai tahap ke deep conversation about feelings..and of course la between this two,one of them yang aku rase lagi selesa and berdoa pada allah semoga kitorang long lasting....but it's all about the feelings....nak dapat keserasian antara dua pihak tu mungkin ade sesetengah orang tu senang,maybe dalam situation aku ni takes time sket...yelaa...dgn lelaki yang ade experience marriage failure dan aku yang terlalu berhati2 disebabkan previous benda ni aku redha and hanya mampu doa yang terbaik dalam life ni..
sometimes aku rasa aku dah ready nak settle down but sometimes aku ade rasa takut if lelaki yg aku akan kawin nanti in future x dapat nak bahagia kan aku...coz i think my expectation towards marriage ni agak tinggi...hmmm xleh gak kan..but i dont want my kids experienced a broken family like how i felt..mintak dijauhkan la...
it is tough whenever you're 27 and you still single!hahahhahaa...
p/s:btw..they're MR. A and MR. R i would mentioned...which is which?heehehe...we'll see la nanti eh
Monday, September 28, 2009
happy birthday to me!

i wish my birthday cake was fancier like those ok...but sadly no cakes for me this year boohoo!
ya laaa i know...old already..but stillllll (ade unsur2 tak puas ati hehheeh..)
alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrat mu ilahi..diberi peluang lagi untuk aku bernafas di usia 28 ini,dimurahkan rezeki dan semoga dipercepatkan jodoh aminnn..
couldnt be happier :-)
this year nothing much special same like last year..just yesterday my good friend liza treated me for birthday lunch at carlos in pavillion...thank u pin!the food was delicious mexican cuisine...i had chicken cantenna with guacamole sauce...sorry lupa nak amik pics food coz i was sooo damn hungry!
but our pics ade...later on i'll update ok..owhhh liza had seafood spaghetti and nachos..the nachos was highly was actually an appetizer...tapi for me la if u had only those pun dah kenyang..we both had hot latte and earl grey tea..
sampai2 je liza ckp dgn aku "babe tgk table seblah...umie aida" i was "haah la..." .then as usual la sesi penilaian..."eh die ni biasa je kan..."..."haah la...bibir nampak lebam surely smoker ni..."...."tapi kalo erra live lagi lawa ok!"
semuanya macam xde kaitan ok...and macam la si umie tu heran sangat dgn penilaian kitorg ni...die dok syok je isap shisha kat situ hehehe..ok2..after we're done..i accompanied liza to gucci..she wanted a new handbags...ok the truth is...this was my first time entering a designers boutique...before this just nampak dari tepi jalan macam...hmmmm bila la kan dpt masuk,tak bli pun xpe la...and thanks to ipin!hehehe...i was gobsmacked ok with all the handbags which is i only had to view it in magazines (eps GLAM la yg slalu membuatkan aku tertelan2 air liur)
after she bought the classic gucci bags...and a wallet to matched with it!haihhhhh...sabar je la...we instantly tergedik2 wanted to have a sneak peek in LV boutiqe across the road...hehehe...bila lagi kan..after entering i can feel the atmosphere wich is a very different one (as if la aku kat planet lain kan..),but seriously...monogram..damier canvas...vernis...shittt!! ok..then back to reality...i was in LV not in MNG or GUESS...then survey2 i was hooked by this particular design...actually biasa je...but the price i wasnt expected would be that price in LV...
how good is that???ok stilllll it cost a fortune(for me la....),buttt..i'll always wanted an original and kind of affordable liza dah "babe takpe2..swipe je dulu guna aku nye cc then ko pay aku blk rm500 a month" sgt berunsurkan nafsu ok minah ni!so did i bought it???heheheh not now..but i will ngehehehe laalalaalaaaa...
but that one in gucci...and owh no noo..the paddington one at coach...?stop it!!stop it!!
fara dear happy birthday again!!!
kiss n hugs :-*
Saturday, September 26, 2009
im back!
alhamdulillahhh this year raya adalah sgt meriah dan lain bg ku...1st thing its my first time beraya as a hijjab muslim...thank god for that...and secondly went back to jb n seremban was amzingly fun!
dgn all my cuzins and nieces nephews..mmg best la!today was my 2nd day at the shop...supposedly my off day is till tomorrow..tapi aku ngak betah duduk di rumah ya..hehhe..that's why la since yesterday dah masuk kedai...and gi la jln2 kat the curve..
today's post is just introduction...nak cite which one to start bout my raya sgggttt laaaa panjang and mcm2 ada heheh..
maybe in my next post la k...
u guys take care!and salam aidilfitri again from moi!
salam aidilfitri to all of u!
dgn all my cuzins and nieces nephews..mmg best la!today was my 2nd day at the shop...supposedly my off day is till tomorrow..tapi aku ngak betah duduk di rumah ya..hehhe..that's why la since yesterday dah masuk kedai...and gi la jln2 kat the curve..
today's post is just introduction...nak cite which one to start bout my raya sgggttt laaaa panjang and mcm2 ada heheh..
maybe in my next post la k...
u guys take care!and salam aidilfitri again from moi!
salam aidilfitri to all of u!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
starting from tomorrow onwards..until further notice la(cehhhh mcm la satu kepentingan kan nak baca blog aku ni..),insyallah by 28th tu aku online the day after moi birthday!heheheheh...
i take this chance to wish u guys selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin and have a safe journey ya...raya2 jugak tapi biarla berpada2 and in moderation :-)
and time ni la x sabar nak meet up with all the relatives...ayam..itik...kambing(eh aku tu hahahha..)...and lembu2...
will miss u guys so much!!
i take this chance to wish u guys selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin and have a safe journey ya...raya2 jugak tapi biarla berpada2 and in moderation :-)
and time ni la x sabar nak meet up with all the relatives...ayam..itik...kambing(eh aku tu hahahha..)...and lembu2...
will miss u guys so much!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
i just got a msg just now from mama that we're going back to kulai first (umah my aunty) before heading to jb this fri night...supposedly in the plan kitorang balik saturday night...didnt make any different pun kan..hehehe..tapi tetiba aku rase macam alaaa nape dah nak balik?and leaving shah alam is such a lost for me...(motif tetiba rase sayang nak tinggalkan shah alam???)
actually since the first day of ramadhan i just didnt felt the spirit of it..bukan kata menyampah ke apa...i love the month of ramadhan,infact i felt really2 sad that it'll end soon..the thing is i just dont feel any excitement for hari raya itself...aku pun tak tau..nama je tempah baju and siap bli lagi baju ready made and tudung matching2 (gile poyo minah ni..kata no spirit la hape..) but still the inner magical spirits just not there yet..insyallah mane tau di kala aku tgk pelita2 kat kampung tu sok aku instantly hyper kan!
ok enough bout it...the main point is aku nak cite pasal STML aku nowadays..hehehe bkn nowadays pun tapi dah lama gak la..yang tahap masyallah...aku ni dah tua sgt2 kah??
there this one day 2 years back i think...on my way to the car,sambil on the phone dgn mak bonda aka syaza,aku pun tit tot(err...tekan kunci keta tu...aku tak tau ape definition die) la keta then sambil borak2 and end the calls...pastu tah camne aku x jumpe kunci keta..bukan ke baru tadi aku tit tot???!! huh ni nak marah..ok2 relax..then i called syaza,the conversation similar like this la.. :
me: syaza boleh tak aku tgh borak2 dgn ko dah tit tot keta pastu now tak jumpe kunci!
syaza:weiii ko biar betul...cuba ko slow2 igt fara mane ko letak?selawat banyk2...
(pastu aku pun cari2 la kat dlm keta tempat seat,blakang seat and sume2 x jumpe gak..wei ni dah kes parah ni...dah la spare key aku ilang)
me:syazaaa camne aku nk g kl ni...x jumpe okkkk!! (me half cried)
syaza:ok fara cuba ko jln ke blakang balik tgk on the way ko nak ke keta...
(and there when the miracles happened!)
me:ya allah!syaza jumpe dahhh yeayyyyy!! tapi camne leh ade atas pas tit tot terus melepaskan ke tanah la!!! *LOL* 100X
syaza:LOLLLLLLL...terguling2...tergolek2 (aku comfirm nye die jadi camni..)
seriously psycho k aku ni...kunci pun leh lepas2 kan je...and the STML goes on and on till now eh..penah after bayar tix parking kat klcc then aku terus berlalu ke keta..and just realised after herry tanye "mane tix fara?".."ya allah herry aku tertinggal kat auto pay tadi!!" then kegelupuran patah balik...nasib baik ade sorg mat rempit yg jumpe and bagi kat aku..kira dlm hal ni mat rempit ni mmg berjasa hehehe..
how la i gonna fix the probs..aiyooooo...belum ade anak lagi ni..ya allah mintak dijauhkan la dgn STML yg lagi worst dlm diri aku ni..
so have u guys experienced it?better no la is a disaster!
actually since the first day of ramadhan i just didnt felt the spirit of it..bukan kata menyampah ke apa...i love the month of ramadhan,infact i felt really2 sad that it'll end soon..the thing is i just dont feel any excitement for hari raya itself...aku pun tak tau..nama je tempah baju and siap bli lagi baju ready made and tudung matching2 (gile poyo minah ni..kata no spirit la hape..) but still the inner magical spirits just not there yet..insyallah mane tau di kala aku tgk pelita2 kat kampung tu sok aku instantly hyper kan!
ok enough bout it...the main point is aku nak cite pasal STML aku nowadays..hehehe bkn nowadays pun tapi dah lama gak la..yang tahap masyallah...aku ni dah tua sgt2 kah??
there this one day 2 years back i think...on my way to the car,sambil on the phone dgn mak bonda aka syaza,aku pun tit tot(err...tekan kunci keta tu...aku tak tau ape definition die) la keta then sambil borak2 and end the calls...pastu tah camne aku x jumpe kunci keta..bukan ke baru tadi aku tit tot???!! huh ni nak marah..ok2 relax..then i called syaza,the conversation similar like this la.. :
me: syaza boleh tak aku tgh borak2 dgn ko dah tit tot keta pastu now tak jumpe kunci!
syaza:weiii ko biar betul...cuba ko slow2 igt fara mane ko letak?selawat banyk2...
(pastu aku pun cari2 la kat dlm keta tempat seat,blakang seat and sume2 x jumpe gak..wei ni dah kes parah ni...dah la spare key aku ilang)
me:syazaaa camne aku nk g kl ni...x jumpe okkkk!! (me half cried)
syaza:ok fara cuba ko jln ke blakang balik tgk on the way ko nak ke keta...
(and there when the miracles happened!)
me:ya allah!syaza jumpe dahhh yeayyyyy!! tapi camne leh ade atas pas tit tot terus melepaskan ke tanah la!!! *LOL* 100X
syaza:LOLLLLLLL...terguling2...tergolek2 (aku comfirm nye die jadi camni..)
seriously psycho k aku ni...kunci pun leh lepas2 kan je...and the STML goes on and on till now eh..penah after bayar tix parking kat klcc then aku terus berlalu ke keta..and just realised after herry tanye "mane tix fara?".."ya allah herry aku tertinggal kat auto pay tadi!!" then kegelupuran patah balik...nasib baik ade sorg mat rempit yg jumpe and bagi kat aku..kira dlm hal ni mat rempit ni mmg berjasa hehehe..
how la i gonna fix the probs..aiyooooo...belum ade anak lagi ni..ya allah mintak dijauhkan la dgn STML yg lagi worst dlm diri aku ni..
so have u guys experienced it?better no la is a disaster!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
lagu raya
of all time fav of mine are this killer songs! (killer best ok!)
since in pkns all rounder i've heard all the raya songs been this are for u guys :-)
since in pkns all rounder i've heard all the raya songs been this are for u guys :-)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
alhamdulillah...allah kabulkan doaku dah beri aku hidayah...
these are the path i chose as a muslim....
aku doakan semoga dikuat kan iman dah ketaqwaan kepadaNya...
semoga perjalanan hari2 mendatang mendapat kerberkatan dan keredhaah dari mu Ya Allah..
these are the path i chose as a muslim....
aku doakan semoga dikuat kan iman dah ketaqwaan kepadaNya...
semoga perjalanan hari2 mendatang mendapat kerberkatan dan keredhaah dari mu Ya Allah..
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
ok after i posted the previous hands are sooo gatal,i text him (after asking an advice from a several different person..) and he replied and called me :-D *big grin here*
sadly he's phone got barred (stoopid maxis) and he couldn't make any outdoor calls and receiving either..
ok instantly my whole body lifted in the air and cant barely touched the ground (what a humiliating exaggerates haha)
im getting worried bout myself now...tetapi aku adalah sgt sukaaaaaaaa ngehehhee..
it has been awhile since the last time or ages ago i felt this kind of feelings..(di kala usia ku menginjak 28 dlm 18 hari ni...dah tua2 baru nak rase balik)

p/s: elizabeth gilbert was an awesome author!this particular books are for us woman :-)
sadly he's phone got barred (stoopid maxis) and he couldn't make any outdoor calls and receiving either..
ok instantly my whole body lifted in the air and cant barely touched the ground (what a humiliating exaggerates haha)
im getting worried bout myself now...tetapi aku adalah sgt sukaaaaaaaa ngehehhee..
it has been awhile since the last time or ages ago i felt this kind of feelings..(di kala usia ku menginjak 28 dlm 18 hari ni...dah tua2 baru nak rase balik)

p/s: elizabeth gilbert was an awesome author!this particular books are for us woman :-)
Monday, September 7, 2009
what's got into me..
i dont feel good right fact since the past 2 days...i didnt know why...ok liar...i know what's goin on actually tapi tak kan aku nak menjaja personal story ku di apalah guna nya ade blog kalau tak dpt meng"impress" my feelings?haiihhhh ok2 stop the crap..
the thing is now i got to know this one guy's still early and i defined it as ONLY friends (how cliche is that kan...).but after got to know him a bit i started to think like he's the kind of guy i would like to get to know better..despite of our different age which is 14!hahaaa..ok dont laugh!
but i found him as a great companion..meaning as a friend la at this moment..never know la in future..
tapi lately ni kenapa aku rasa bila die tak call or msg me i felt the feelings yg i didnt like ok...i hate to wait..seriously...i have an issues with mind would occur a few long listed possibilities...teruk la aku ni...sick!i tried..and really tried hard to put a barrier in my heart towards him...aku dah penat la nk hoping for something i'm not sure which and where it would lead me to..but deep down inside me i had this emotions that i want this to end happily...insyallah..
so bila benda2 ni melanda antara perkara2 yang akan melanda aku adalah:
1.gelisah...resah...tido tak lena makan tak kenyang(cehh poyo...yang tu dua memang tak kan berubah pape pun ok)
2.curiosity...loads of it towards the particular person la.this one i want to avoid pretty akan dgn tiba2 menerjah jugak kat pale aku ni!! i did something wrong to him or anything yg aku cakap yg buat die tak suka?aiyooo i'm gonna be mad la like this
4.mood swing...tapi now aku tgh control..especially depan mama..coz she's really good at describing my feelings and mood eventho aku dah coverline yg sgt cemerlang..(yelaa kata mak..of course la instinct kuat kat anak)
5.rase taknak pakai handphone skang ni...mcm kalau lg dekat fon kat aku lagi tension aku dibuatnya..
are u guys feeling the same way too if it's happened?aku rasa mcm aku sorg je makhluk yg sesat jadi camni..
i hate this part right here :-(
p/s:i dont know why with the fonts...aku dh tukar bnyk kali pun die tak betul gakkk...huhuu..sabar2...
the thing is now i got to know this one guy's still early and i defined it as ONLY friends (how cliche is that kan...).but after got to know him a bit i started to think like he's the kind of guy i would like to get to know better..despite of our different age which is 14!hahaaa..ok dont laugh!
but i found him as a great companion..meaning as a friend la at this moment..never know la in future..
tapi lately ni kenapa aku rasa bila die tak call or msg me i felt the feelings yg i didnt like ok...i hate to wait..seriously...i have an issues with mind would occur a few long listed possibilities...teruk la aku ni...sick!i tried..and really tried hard to put a barrier in my heart towards him...aku dah penat la nk hoping for something i'm not sure which and where it would lead me to..but deep down inside me i had this emotions that i want this to end happily...insyallah..
so bila benda2 ni melanda antara perkara2 yang akan melanda aku adalah:
1.gelisah...resah...tido tak lena makan tak kenyang(cehh poyo...yang tu dua memang tak kan berubah pape pun ok)
2.curiosity...loads of it towards the particular person la.this one i want to avoid pretty akan dgn tiba2 menerjah jugak kat pale aku ni!! i did something wrong to him or anything yg aku cakap yg buat die tak suka?aiyooo i'm gonna be mad la like this
4.mood swing...tapi now aku tgh control..especially depan mama..coz she's really good at describing my feelings and mood eventho aku dah coverline yg sgt cemerlang..(yelaa kata mak..of course la instinct kuat kat anak)
5.rase taknak pakai handphone skang ni...mcm kalau lg dekat fon kat aku lagi tension aku dibuatnya..
are u guys feeling the same way too if it's happened?aku rasa mcm aku sorg je makhluk yg sesat jadi camni..
i hate this part right here :-(
p/s:i dont know why with the fonts...aku dh tukar bnyk kali pun die tak betul gakkk...huhuu..sabar2...
Friday, September 4, 2009
ok i know its been awhile...baru baik demam huhuh (again...),but alhamdulillah this time was a minor one...just a slightly suam2 kuku kindda fever...and minor mama asked me and banned me from coming to the shop...sian aku kan hehehe...yela kalo sakit aku melarat die risau sape nak tgk kan kedai tu nanti..
so what i'd do the whole week?i just bought me a new book "eat pray love" by elizabeth i mentioned from the previous post...akhirnya aku pegi jugak la MPH and paid for it...but hey!it turned out to be one of the worth buying ok...another halfway to go and it's like a page turner...after bgn tido i read...after sahur aku baca lagi...just kat kedai ni a bit distraction was a wonderful and moving guys should get one by my recommendations :-)

and last weekends i break fasted with liza,her sis and shad at nyonya kitchen in shah alam mall..Mr A told me the food there was superb..heheh trust is yummy!
so tak sia2 la kan liza dtg all the way to shah alam..we ordered the set menu including their signature dish asam pedas ikan kerapu..but u can ordered any suggested fish..kailan sos tiram,sotong goreng tepung,udang sambal,kuih n kurma..these are all included in the set menu..butt..kitorg yg sememangnya anak jin ni memang time tu mcm tak cukup je so we added ikan kerapu bakar,sambal udang petai (ni memang sgt2 the petai lovers la..) and asparagus sambal oh and for deserts cendol..
by the time before all the food finished sume dah belum masuk cendol lagi hahahha...but it was fun la...sayang syima and carol couldnt joined time la eh guys..

sape yg nak try tu aku dgn baik hati nya dh paste hehehe..enjoy your berbuka!
p/s:hope boleh la gather for berbuka with all the kamyam clan kan :-(
kak rina you'll be the ketua pengerusi majlis hehehe
so what i'd do the whole week?i just bought me a new book "eat pray love" by elizabeth i mentioned from the previous post...akhirnya aku pegi jugak la MPH and paid for it...but hey!it turned out to be one of the worth buying ok...another halfway to go and it's like a page turner...after bgn tido i read...after sahur aku baca lagi...just kat kedai ni a bit distraction was a wonderful and moving guys should get one by my recommendations :-)

and last weekends i break fasted with liza,her sis and shad at nyonya kitchen in shah alam mall..Mr A told me the food there was superb..heheh trust is yummy!
so tak sia2 la kan liza dtg all the way to shah alam..we ordered the set menu including their signature dish asam pedas ikan kerapu..but u can ordered any suggested fish..kailan sos tiram,sotong goreng tepung,udang sambal,kuih n kurma..these are all included in the set menu..butt..kitorg yg sememangnya anak jin ni memang time tu mcm tak cukup je so we added ikan kerapu bakar,sambal udang petai (ni memang sgt2 the petai lovers la..) and asparagus sambal oh and for deserts cendol..
by the time before all the food finished sume dah belum masuk cendol lagi hahahha...but it was fun la...sayang syima and carol couldnt joined time la eh guys..

sape yg nak try tu aku dgn baik hati nya dh paste hehehe..enjoy your berbuka!
p/s:hope boleh la gather for berbuka with all the kamyam clan kan :-(
kak rina you'll be the ketua pengerusi majlis hehehe
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
kekonfiusan di sini
hehehhehe ada2 je la aku ni...puasa dahbertahun2 tapi bab2 sahur confuse lagi la kan...ampun kan je la dosa ku ini..
i just wondering bangun bersahur tu adalah sunat kan?errr....anyone...?and if tak bgn tu kira makruh la kan?...
sebab nya aku ni jenis yang mmg sejak last year (baru je lagi pun...mcm cite konon dh bertahun2 hahaha..) memang dah tak bgn sahur lagi...bukan x bgn langsung tapi boleh dikira smlm after dah mkn roti john after terawikh (aku akan mkn sahur around that time),tu pun dah dekat tinggal seketul baru la tetiba terigt nak bangun i told mama "ma roti john ni ara simpan la utk sahur sok.." sambil melihat yg tinggal seketul dan kalau aku abiskan time tu gak pun mcm akan x puas gak k...tapi takpela...asalkan ada la something aku nk sahur the next morning nya..
so i set my alarm at 5 a.m. but as usual la kan hahahha...i just turn it off untill mama woke me up..aduhaiii...camne la sok kan kawin nak bangun wat sahur utk suami ngehehhehe..
then i just reheated the seketul roti john...the funny thing wasssss...i was so damn sleepy and i forgot that after bought it out from the fridge i instantly put it in microwave and set the time for a minute...lesson learnt ok! kalo nk reheat makanan dr fridge sila lah tunggu sebentar before put it in microwave..or else hasilnya....syabas ye!! roti john aku adalah sket lagi nk sama dengan batu..
nak wat camne...i just ate it la...and have it with cadburry hot choc..yessss laughhh laughhh..!sebenanya pagi tadi aku pun dah tak larat nak gelak hehehehe...
ok im craving for maphilindo meehun sup today at pasar sec 6...woohoo!
p/s:yeaayy i just received my MAC make up yesterday...and sooo lovin the color :-) (xde kaitan pun saje coz sukeeee)
i just wondering bangun bersahur tu adalah sunat kan?errr....anyone...?and if tak bgn tu kira makruh la kan?...
sebab nya aku ni jenis yang mmg sejak last year (baru je lagi pun...mcm cite konon dh bertahun2 hahaha..) memang dah tak bgn sahur lagi...bukan x bgn langsung tapi boleh dikira smlm after dah mkn roti john after terawikh (aku akan mkn sahur around that time),tu pun dah dekat tinggal seketul baru la tetiba terigt nak bangun i told mama "ma roti john ni ara simpan la utk sahur sok.." sambil melihat yg tinggal seketul dan kalau aku abiskan time tu gak pun mcm akan x puas gak k...tapi takpela...asalkan ada la something aku nk sahur the next morning nya..
so i set my alarm at 5 a.m. but as usual la kan hahahha...i just turn it off untill mama woke me up..aduhaiii...camne la sok kan kawin nak bangun wat sahur utk suami ngehehhehe..
then i just reheated the seketul roti john...the funny thing wasssss...i was so damn sleepy and i forgot that after bought it out from the fridge i instantly put it in microwave and set the time for a minute...lesson learnt ok! kalo nk reheat makanan dr fridge sila lah tunggu sebentar before put it in microwave..or else hasilnya....syabas ye!! roti john aku adalah sket lagi nk sama dengan batu..
nak wat camne...i just ate it la...and have it with cadburry hot choc..yessss laughhh laughhh..!sebenanya pagi tadi aku pun dah tak larat nak gelak hehehehe...
ok im craving for maphilindo meehun sup today at pasar sec 6...woohoo!
p/s:yeaayy i just received my MAC make up yesterday...and sooo lovin the color :-) (xde kaitan pun saje coz sukeeee)
Monday, August 24, 2009
hai heyhooo....its been three days of puasa now far i just breakfasted in shop only with mama...i didnt know what happened to my appetite ever since puasa ni i only ate such in a small amounts...meaning no nasik minyak or nasik tomato or any forms of nasik!adalah sgt pelik coz normally you wouldnt wanna know me ok...never enough with only kuih or even roti john or watever...i've gotta have a solid meal for myself...but it's a good reason pun for me since puasa ni aku tak pegi gym kan hehehe...
ok yesterday i went to bazaar stadium shah alam,like the usual ramadhan it always packed there and i just focused on what things i wanna bought..which basically is true (buat julung2 kali nya hehehe...kalo tak selalu tersasar je or terlebih2).
so after tawaf2 then i decided having char kuey tiaw penang style...and the results was YUMMYYY!! ok....heheh now aku dh hafal mane satu kedai dia...haa seblah dgn stall papa john yg famous tu...but dont get mistaken coz ada 2 stall papa john,so one of them la..
then nafsu kepingin ku dtg balik and this time mama pun nak gak dia kata sedap which is normally she wouldnt wanna agree on almost any of my choices...
ok peeps dah nak masuk waktu berbuka ni...sorry pics xde la heheheh....
selamat berbuka puasa!
ok yesterday i went to bazaar stadium shah alam,like the usual ramadhan it always packed there and i just focused on what things i wanna bought..which basically is true (buat julung2 kali nya hehehe...kalo tak selalu tersasar je or terlebih2).
so after tawaf2 then i decided having char kuey tiaw penang style...and the results was YUMMYYY!! ok....heheh now aku dh hafal mane satu kedai dia...haa seblah dgn stall papa john yg famous tu...but dont get mistaken coz ada 2 stall papa john,so one of them la..
then nafsu kepingin ku dtg balik and this time mama pun nak gak dia kata sedap which is normally she wouldnt wanna agree on almost any of my choices...
ok peeps dah nak masuk waktu berbuka ni...sorry pics xde la heheheh....
selamat berbuka puasa!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
i've been tagged
Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi tag ini.
//org nya cantik
//sgt sempoi
//anak tunggal mcm aku gak(menarik ke tu hahahah)
//pandai masak
//we've known each other for 10 yrs now and i finds it interesting
Nyatakan 5 fakta diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima tag seterusnya.
//sgt sgt sgt suka gelak
//suka makan-makan
//temperamental at times
//boleh duduk kat pulau selama2 nya
//a really good listener
Nyatakan 5 hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima tag seterusnya.
5 orang penerima tag yang seterusnya.
// idea actually hehe ;P
//org nya cantik
//sgt sempoi
//anak tunggal mcm aku gak(menarik ke tu hahahah)
//pandai masak
//we've known each other for 10 yrs now and i finds it interesting
Nyatakan 5 fakta diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima tag seterusnya.
//sgt sgt sgt suka gelak
//suka makan-makan
//temperamental at times
//boleh duduk kat pulau selama2 nya
//a really good listener
Nyatakan 5 hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima tag seterusnya.
5 orang penerima tag yang seterusnya.
// idea actually hehe ;P
Friday, August 21, 2009
ramadhan dan nafsu2 berbuka

alhamdulillah tomorrow all the muslims around the world will be welcoming the months of ramadhan...the months for us to cleanse the inner self of ours,make dos all the possible to gain our good deeds and perform as many prayers as we can to our creators allah s.w.t. may this ramadhan will gives us a new perception in life and open up our heart and soul and never forgetting the one who needed most..
as we talking bout ramadhan it made me reminisced the good ol days...sgt2 best and ada gak yg x sanggup nak igt (especially curi2 minum time mandi takpun time skolah pegi toilet konon2 nya nak kencing tp member dah standby dgn air siap bungkus..bagusss anak sapa la ni kan...)tp above all,it's one hell of experienced yang sok bila dah tua2 bangka boleh la share dgn cucu2...hahahaha...
kalo cakap time nak berbuka tu jgn cakap la kan...jam tu rase dah mcm abis bateri perasaan tu time nk buka je...bila dh masuk waktu and melantak xda makna dah pun the excitement are priceless!igt dulu masa kat umh arwah nenek back then in taman england,sape yang tak puasa diharamkan sama sekali nak duduk together2 dgn yg puasa..kira mcm satu pandemic (bahasa sempena musim2 sakit ni)pada yg lain...and cuzin2 yg lain akan memandang sinis like "eeeuuwwww tak puasa...haram.." camtu la lebih kurang...tapi xde la sinis,aku saje menyedapkan cerita hua hua hua..
during this time around i miss those days when im in my college time with all my besties...we would all gather and went to bazaar ramadhan in stadium shah alam...ripleys believe it or not...we didnt actually went ONLY looking for food you know..hahahha...tapi mata lagi ligat melihat mamat2 hensem berbanding pada lauk2 pauk...gila nafsu tekak mata sume takleh nak control..hampeh..but it's fun what!time ni la guna nya pepatah melayu sambil menyelam minum air.
so i'll update insyallah whatever activities i'll be doing in this whole months of ramadhan...and mcm lah aku ni artis yang aktiviti akan fully booked kan..
malam ni tak sabar nak terawih dgn mama,niat kat ati nak pegi masjid shah alam but unfortunately since my flu n coughing wont do any better,so might as well just do it here as long berjemaah..
ok tak sabar nak tgk tomorrow's menu for berbuka :-D
u guys have a good one tho!
p/s:pic budak tu xde kaitan dlm cerita di atas..i also didnt know who is she heheheh..
Thursday, August 20, 2009
haiiiii!!!!miss u guys loadssssss!!!im back at work again yeay! (tak tau la nak suka ke tak hehehe...)but at least it's the end of me hanging there in the room for the whole 3 days...urgghhhh....padahal baru 3 hari...i cant barely imagine how im gonna cope when im in the confinement condition...44 days maaaa...die man!
ok..the thing is realy shocked here for i told u before from my previous post bout the weekends treat by the aunties?yeah..yeah...checked in concorde and have a super duper luxury life? (as if...),it turned out fun and happening as usual la whenever the gossip girls are around..that nite after went for my nephew's birthday,my cuzins and i went for the live band in crossroads which are located the same as in KL one..butttt!here in shah alam are the worst!omg....the female vocalist are like stripper in a cheap clubs somewhere in bangkok...seriously...dah la suara x sedap than all the way sang the hindustan and dangdut!get a life will ya?
so my cuzin and i wanted to request a we did..i requested for "anuar zain-lelaki" ini and kina "tegar by rossa" ..hah!hamik ko...deep down inside i knew they couldnt deliver it well ok boohoo!(saje nk pedajal kan...sape suh tergelek2 dgn suar sendat ala2 cina bukit tu),but sadly..after 20mins of waiting there's none..nil..nada! of our songs been played..oooohhh watever...then we decided went up to our rooms..tido lg bagus..
so tomorrow after checked out and mum had quite a bad cough,so i assumed after took the same bottle of mineral water from her that i had the cough as well...but it did not end there..later that nite i got this kind of shivering feverish all over me...huhuu aku dh risau tahap tak tau nk cakap la...nowadays kan..anything can i did went to clinic and the doctor said my temperature were about 37.5 if sampai 38 and above she asked me to made another check ups...alhamdulillah...ya allah..tak tau nk ckp at yesterday my fever dh now just tinggal flu sket2 and batuk2 je...and hopefully it'll recover soon...coz insyallah tomorrow or saturday will be puasa already kan...
so last but not least wishing to all of u muslims out there selamat berpuasa!!
ok..the thing is realy shocked here for i told u before from my previous post bout the weekends treat by the aunties?yeah..yeah...checked in concorde and have a super duper luxury life? (as if...),it turned out fun and happening as usual la whenever the gossip girls are around..that nite after went for my nephew's birthday,my cuzins and i went for the live band in crossroads which are located the same as in KL one..butttt!here in shah alam are the worst!omg....the female vocalist are like stripper in a cheap clubs somewhere in bangkok...seriously...dah la suara x sedap than all the way sang the hindustan and dangdut!get a life will ya?
so my cuzin and i wanted to request a we did..i requested for "anuar zain-lelaki" ini and kina "tegar by rossa" ..hah!hamik ko...deep down inside i knew they couldnt deliver it well ok boohoo!(saje nk pedajal kan...sape suh tergelek2 dgn suar sendat ala2 cina bukit tu),but sadly..after 20mins of waiting there's none..nil..nada! of our songs been played..oooohhh watever...then we decided went up to our rooms..tido lg bagus..
so tomorrow after checked out and mum had quite a bad cough,so i assumed after took the same bottle of mineral water from her that i had the cough as well...but it did not end there..later that nite i got this kind of shivering feverish all over me...huhuu aku dh risau tahap tak tau nk cakap la...nowadays kan..anything can i did went to clinic and the doctor said my temperature were about 37.5 if sampai 38 and above she asked me to made another check ups...alhamdulillah...ya allah..tak tau nk ckp at yesterday my fever dh now just tinggal flu sket2 and batuk2 je...and hopefully it'll recover soon...coz insyallah tomorrow or saturday will be puasa already kan...
so last but not least wishing to all of u muslims out there selamat berpuasa!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
what lingers on my mind
hah! finally i'm back and recharged after awhile being away (cehh..mcm lama sgt pun..baru 2 hari tak tulis kan heheh..),thankfully that my period ended early this month..alhamdulillah...memang kalau boleh nak abis cepat coz aku taknak next week dah puasa far as i'm concern,dalam sepanjang2 28 thn aku idup ni rasa nya skali ke 2 kali je kot aku tak dapt merasa first day this year dpt lagi buat solat tarawih yg first tu..and before i forgot,smalam kita dikejutkan dgn berita pemergian salah seorang anggota kumpulan nasyid rabbani iaitu ustaz buatnya..semoga ditempatkan dgn org2 yg beriman hendaknya aminn...sedih lak coz suara die la yg bnyk berkumandang mengalunkan azan dan juga takbir raya...
ok past few days nothing much interesting happened with the usual my readings dgn buku yg aku baru beli tu kan...and oh! lupa nak bgtau..the day i went to MPH few days back actually i was searching for a book titled "eat pray and love" by elizabeth gilbert,but unfortunately out of stocks la i decided to order form the sales person and yesterday they called me up for the books...alahai dah sampai la plak...buku yg ada ni tak abis lg baca (well actually i did postponed to read it becauseee...heheheh ada je alasan..i kept on blog hopping..that's the reason ngeee :-P),but somehow i promised the boy that i'll take it by weekends..
ok i cant wait for this weekends coz first of all it's harriz birthday (my nephew,its my cuzin's son)and ada makan2 hehehe gile nk makan je kan...and secondly my aunts and my fav cuzins kina will be checking in tomorrow at concorde shah alam,so just imagine...the mother of all goss mongers will gather..akuleh bayang kan...andd oh! thanks to mr.A for your kind rates for the rooms :-D
haa talking bout blog you can see from the left side of my blog page,these are a few of my fav blog list(as it now la...maybe i'll update sooner when i find myself something interesting blogs).As for now i'm hooked by rizalman fabulousity...oooo my...him with all the designers bag??is to die i wish one day (insyallah..) one of those will be in my personal collection kan..and i really2 i mean crazy honestly adoressss he's house deco!!! loving the bedroom designs and the color in it?rizalman if you're happen to read my blog..(heheheh mcm la die nk baca..)round of applause to you!it gives me such an inspiration...a modern contemporary with a classical twist...genius!
ok la enough of all this...i'll continue my reading (blog la tapi hehehe) sambil now tgh mengunyah kacang ngan yin....sorry mama(sebab ni die punya hehe)...mcm xleh berenti plak mkn..until then enjoy your weekends!!
ok past few days nothing much interesting happened with the usual my readings dgn buku yg aku baru beli tu kan...and oh! lupa nak bgtau..the day i went to MPH few days back actually i was searching for a book titled "eat pray and love" by elizabeth gilbert,but unfortunately out of stocks la i decided to order form the sales person and yesterday they called me up for the books...alahai dah sampai la plak...buku yg ada ni tak abis lg baca (well actually i did postponed to read it becauseee...heheheh ada je alasan..i kept on blog hopping..that's the reason ngeee :-P),but somehow i promised the boy that i'll take it by weekends..
ok i cant wait for this weekends coz first of all it's harriz birthday (my nephew,its my cuzin's son)and ada makan2 hehehe gile nk makan je kan...and secondly my aunts and my fav cuzins kina will be checking in tomorrow at concorde shah alam,so just imagine...the mother of all goss mongers will gather..akuleh bayang kan...andd oh! thanks to mr.A for your kind rates for the rooms :-D
haa talking bout blog you can see from the left side of my blog page,these are a few of my fav blog list(as it now la...maybe i'll update sooner when i find myself something interesting blogs).As for now i'm hooked by rizalman fabulousity...oooo my...him with all the designers bag??is to die i wish one day (insyallah..) one of those will be in my personal collection kan..and i really2 i mean crazy honestly adoressss he's house deco!!! loving the bedroom designs and the color in it?rizalman if you're happen to read my blog..(heheheh mcm la die nk baca..)round of applause to you!it gives me such an inspiration...a modern contemporary with a classical twist...genius!
ok la enough of all this...i'll continue my reading (blog la tapi hehehe) sambil now tgh mengunyah kacang ngan yin....sorry mama(sebab ni die punya hehe)...mcm xleh berenti plak mkn..until then enjoy your weekends!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
bulan mengambang
im in a PMS mode at the excuse for the long unwritten blogs...will be back within this week i promise u...haihhh nape la kena melalui benda2 ni every month...tu la nama pun pompuan...btw i lovessss this track so gave me strength instantly whenever i heard it ceh poyo!heheheh...enjoy!
Monday, August 10, 2009
weekends update and the goss files
2 days of break seems moving really fast's like in a blink of an eye.but since kina came to shah alam last saturday to attend her best friends wedding so i manage to woke up early as usual like i'll be on normal days,siap2 then trus g kedai.fetched her and then we went to the extreme park at section 13 for our lunch,since we both decided not having the usual luncheon mcm nasik campur etc..konon2 nya nak diet la tak mkn nasik padahal burger king sama je the equals calory tapi janji aku nk mkn hehehe..
so we chit chat..gossips and all...kina are one of my closest cuzins despite our different between age but we came up as a perfect team la hehehe...mmg sekepala.ade je kalo berjumpa benda2 yg tak klakar pun dijadikan bahan lawak yg tah pape2...we never this close pun before but whenever she's in her uni years la we started to share probs and interest need to reveal here la kan..
moving on until la at about 8-ish mama n i sent her off to holiday inn glenmarie where the reception since before that my aunty from seremban called up to meet up in blu wave hotel so we both when there to lepak2 at the coffee house..mcm biasala pun sama gak,td dgn cuzin bergossip2...but with the aunts....worst!hahahah...all sort of topics were brought up especially about me...haihhhh...guys...marriage...all in one u can imagined how i wish it'll end and kina will called me up and asked to fetched her right away!
whenever the issue is about love,relationship,marriage...i tend to be quiet at my own oppinion..coz for me when i'm still not sure or in a confused situation with a certain guy,so it's the best way to stick as the way it is until the right condition will fall into the right places i.e. ko dh betul2 kena risik ke or dah discuss bout hantaran or watsoever...
the discussion seems heating up around us...but especially me la...but i manage to smile all the way,yeah maybe people got their own perception and i just took it as a challenge...but the rest i knew i'll follow the at about 11 all of us went to fetch kina and send back my aunt and uncle to the at home as usual the gossips continue with kina till 5 a.m!can u imagined....that's how guys will never understand we woman heehhehe...
but overall of my weekends are relaxing and i bought myself this book yeayyy!
so we chit chat..gossips and all...kina are one of my closest cuzins despite our different between age but we came up as a perfect team la hehehe...mmg sekepala.ade je kalo berjumpa benda2 yg tak klakar pun dijadikan bahan lawak yg tah pape2...we never this close pun before but whenever she's in her uni years la we started to share probs and interest need to reveal here la kan..
moving on until la at about 8-ish mama n i sent her off to holiday inn glenmarie where the reception since before that my aunty from seremban called up to meet up in blu wave hotel so we both when there to lepak2 at the coffee house..mcm biasala pun sama gak,td dgn cuzin bergossip2...but with the aunts....worst!hahahah...all sort of topics were brought up especially about me...haihhhh...guys...marriage...all in one u can imagined how i wish it'll end and kina will called me up and asked to fetched her right away!
whenever the issue is about love,relationship,marriage...i tend to be quiet at my own oppinion..coz for me when i'm still not sure or in a confused situation with a certain guy,so it's the best way to stick as the way it is until the right condition will fall into the right places i.e. ko dh betul2 kena risik ke or dah discuss bout hantaran or watsoever...
the discussion seems heating up around us...but especially me la...but i manage to smile all the way,yeah maybe people got their own perception and i just took it as a challenge...but the rest i knew i'll follow the at about 11 all of us went to fetch kina and send back my aunt and uncle to the at home as usual the gossips continue with kina till 5 a.m!can u imagined....that's how guys will never understand we woman heehhehe...
but overall of my weekends are relaxing and i bought myself this book yeayyy!

Friday, August 7, 2009
find my inner piece
alhamdulillah lagi 2 weeks insyallah kita akan menyambut ramadhan al-mubarak...and nasib aku dh bayar puasa awal2 aritu...and now kalo nk buat pun puasa sunat la..
actually disamping nk cakap pasal puasa ni i just wanna share bout my life as well,sepanjang hampir 28 thn aku idup di muka bumi allah ni baru lah saat ni aku dapat rasakan ketenangan yg tak terucap (insyallah aku slalu berdoa ia berkekalan sampai ke akhir hayat...),which i had learnt from my mistakes yang takde hala tuju..enjoyed life as u can...i dont believe in such phrase,unless diiringi dgn tanggungjawab dan perbuatan kita tu mendapat keberkatan dari allah taala...ok i'm not talking too religously here,but the thing is i've been through all the situation..been there done that.
so as for me it's time for me to find my serenity in life,what i've been searching all this while sebenanya ade je kat depan mata ni..cuma kita ni bijak menilai mana yg baik ataupun tidak je.
now aku bersyukur sgt2 yg aku ni tak dihanyutkan terus dgn life yg indah2 tapi tak kekal lama...
stakat ni xde apa lagi yg aku nak dlm life selain a family and kids and a happy life...aminnn,insyallah :-)
actually disamping nk cakap pasal puasa ni i just wanna share bout my life as well,sepanjang hampir 28 thn aku idup di muka bumi allah ni baru lah saat ni aku dapat rasakan ketenangan yg tak terucap (insyallah aku slalu berdoa ia berkekalan sampai ke akhir hayat...),which i had learnt from my mistakes yang takde hala tuju..enjoyed life as u can...i dont believe in such phrase,unless diiringi dgn tanggungjawab dan perbuatan kita tu mendapat keberkatan dari allah taala...ok i'm not talking too religously here,but the thing is i've been through all the situation..been there done that.
so as for me it's time for me to find my serenity in life,what i've been searching all this while sebenanya ade je kat depan mata ni..cuma kita ni bijak menilai mana yg baik ataupun tidak je.
now aku bersyukur sgt2 yg aku ni tak dihanyutkan terus dgn life yg indah2 tapi tak kekal lama...
stakat ni xde apa lagi yg aku nak dlm life selain a family and kids and a happy life...aminnn,insyallah :-)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
the continous of buttered prawn
ok i've succeeded! hehehehehe...well boleh buat lagi after this,but to find those kind of prawns here a bit pricey la but somehow u can use other seafood just to be more creative in your dishes.
unfortunately...i didn't managed to snap the pics coz 1st of all my digi cam cabel ntah mane2 la aku letak,and secondly if ada pun dengan nak memasak and amik pic lagi aku tak rase hasil nya begitu sukses just use your imagination la eh,tp aku tak pandai la buat sarang2 or whatever they call it using the eggs...aku kacau je as were written on the recipe,janji butter tu rase kat prawn bila makan kan..
tgh mkn2 tu i asked mama "so camane ma ok tak?" she replied.."boleh la...." so i wasn't happy la...ishhh dah penat2 masak dgn usaha gigih (padahal butter prawn je bkn daging salai masak lemak ke pe..) tp respon ni i asked her again..gila tak puas ati aku ni "ok ma...scale me from 1 to 10?" she answered "4 je..ok la tu...kena terima hakikat..." aku dgn kepoyooan nya menjawab "alaaa sebenannye 10 kan...ckp je la laalaaalaaa..."
but yesterday i think i put too much of curry it's a bit crowded when it served on plate and while eating,terpaksa mengasingkan dedaun tu...
tp dlm diam aku tgk mama bertambah2 dan menjilat jari gak hahahhahaha i likeeeee!
unfortunately...i didn't managed to snap the pics coz 1st of all my digi cam cabel ntah mane2 la aku letak,and secondly if ada pun dengan nak memasak and amik pic lagi aku tak rase hasil nya begitu sukses just use your imagination la eh,tp aku tak pandai la buat sarang2 or whatever they call it using the eggs...aku kacau je as were written on the recipe,janji butter tu rase kat prawn bila makan kan..
tgh mkn2 tu i asked mama "so camane ma ok tak?" she replied.."boleh la...." so i wasn't happy la...ishhh dah penat2 masak dgn usaha gigih (padahal butter prawn je bkn daging salai masak lemak ke pe..) tp respon ni i asked her again..gila tak puas ati aku ni "ok ma...scale me from 1 to 10?" she answered "4 je..ok la tu...kena terima hakikat..." aku dgn kepoyooan nya menjawab "alaaa sebenannye 10 kan...ckp je la laalaaalaaa..."
but yesterday i think i put too much of curry it's a bit crowded when it served on plate and while eating,terpaksa mengasingkan dedaun tu...
tp dlm diam aku tgk mama bertambah2 dan menjilat jari gak hahahhahaha i likeeeee!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
let's cook!
its been 3 days since my last post..yeah i now after the sick sunday blues and mama arrived that nite from labuan with all seafood galore...sotong..udang..than i'm as happy as a child :-)
ooohhhh the squid are to die for...marinated with its own spices and you only have to fry it just simple as that...abis la aku sepinggan besar pada mlm itu juga...hey...the squid cant keep for a long time you dont blame the hungers on me ;-P
so tonite menu's will be butter prawn..ok i've been dying to cook this but i couldnt find the right recipe to go with the huge and fresh prawns that my mum bought,ye la...syg ok if udang yg sgt besar lagi fresh itu kalau disalah masak tak ke sia2 i'm goin to make the best la even its not as similar as in the restraunt ok....but at least i'm trying.
so yesterday i googled and found this recipe :
so...insyallah jadi la kan heheheh...will update u guys tmrw!
ooohhhh the squid are to die for...marinated with its own spices and you only have to fry it just simple as that...abis la aku sepinggan besar pada mlm itu juga...hey...the squid cant keep for a long time you dont blame the hungers on me ;-P
so tonite menu's will be butter prawn..ok i've been dying to cook this but i couldnt find the right recipe to go with the huge and fresh prawns that my mum bought,ye la...syg ok if udang yg sgt besar lagi fresh itu kalau disalah masak tak ke sia2 i'm goin to make the best la even its not as similar as in the restraunt ok....but at least i'm trying.
so yesterday i googled and found this recipe :
- 400gm udang sederhana besar-buang kepala dan belah belakangnya
- 5 sudu besar butter
- 3 biji telur kuning-dipukul sedikit (jun guna 3 kuning dan 1 telur putih)
- 4 cili api-dipotong2
- 2 tangkai daun kari
- 1/4 cawan susu cair
- 2 ulas bawang putih-dicincang
- pepper, gula n garam
- Panaskan 2 sudu besar butter, goreng udang 1/2 masak. Angkat dan ketepikan.
- Tambah butter selebihnya, atas api sederhana, masukkan bawang putih. kacau.
- Masukkan telur, kacau selalu. (boleh juga titikkan guna hujung garfu bg mendapatkan tekstur telur yg halus mcm kat restoren tu)
- Masukkan juga daun kari, susu cair, cili api dan perasa2 sambil kacau selalu.
- Masukkan udang dan kacau lagi hingga garing. Boleh dimakan dengan nasi putih.
so...insyallah jadi la kan heheheh...will update u guys tmrw!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
sleepy and pissed off!
no heavy topic today...i'm totally sleepy like hell now ever since morning...and my brain and ears are stucked and stressed out with all the stage show in front of the shop...weeiiii tolong la give it a break ok...aku dibebankan dgn non stop babbling org atas stage tu k dr baca puisi...story telling..talks....lawak bodo dari guest cartoonist (sambil meniru gaya suara2 kartun...)...i need a peaceful mind now plzzzzzz....
aku tak kira 7 sharp aku nk tutup kedai as long benda kat depan ni abis...aku dh tepu k ear drums aku dari tadi xde rest dgn bunyi2 bingit ni..kalo weekends je camni la slalu...tu la nk buat camane dh kedai betul2 tepi stage...
i can't take this anymore...chow..
sick people...sick sunday!
aku tak kira 7 sharp aku nk tutup kedai as long benda kat depan ni abis...aku dh tepu k ear drums aku dari tadi xde rest dgn bunyi2 bingit ni..kalo weekends je camni la slalu...tu la nk buat camane dh kedai betul2 tepi stage...
i can't take this anymore...chow..
sick people...sick sunday!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
morning sunshine after subuh i couldn't sleep...i had a bad dream last nite..2 kali aku terjaga,1st it was around 3 am....i cant remember what it was..then i fall asleep until for the next dream i woke up again and its around 6 before azan subuh...the last dream caught me in fright...mcm mimpi org bergaduh2 tp yg tahap ganas aku pandang dr jauh je la,but i can clearly heard all the punches,slapping and even the cracked in their heads...euuuuwwww that was the grosses part la,sampai kan aku terbgn n aku xnk tido balik coz takut nanti termimpi balik situation tu...
so i was lying on my bed and coincidently my close buddy texted me that morning so layan2 msg smpai la aku tgk luar dh agak terang which is 7 am already..hehehe eversince i resigned from the previous company,normally after subuh i would hit the sack again and will only woke up at about 8-ish...since im working on my own so there's no kindda punch card thingy which im loving it hehehe...but i hate to get up early..but today i've got this some kind of energy yang tetiba terasa seperti seorang ibu dan isteri mithali dgn tak semena2 ke dapur dan membuat sarapan hah! (mama will proud of me whenever she's not around i'm turning myself into a domestic goddess!)
instantly i love the morning breeze...made myself a hot choc and bread with cheese omelette..coz tu je yg paling senang aku nk buat ngehe..after had my shower n get ready to the shop sambil merasa gila awal la pagi ni,adalah satu kepoyooan org kat kompleks tu melihat aku kat it turned out yg depan kedai aku ni dah ade org set up stage for the kids from i dont know which nursery to perform later on..ohh well at least i'm still early kan..
so had a great weekends for u guys...and yeay! tomorrow mama balik and next week i got my self 2 days off straight...dont laugh's unsual for me...daaaaaa!
so i was lying on my bed and coincidently my close buddy texted me that morning so layan2 msg smpai la aku tgk luar dh agak terang which is 7 am already..hehehe eversince i resigned from the previous company,normally after subuh i would hit the sack again and will only woke up at about 8-ish...since im working on my own so there's no kindda punch card thingy which im loving it hehehe...but i hate to get up early..but today i've got this some kind of energy yang tetiba terasa seperti seorang ibu dan isteri mithali dgn tak semena2 ke dapur dan membuat sarapan hah! (mama will proud of me whenever she's not around i'm turning myself into a domestic goddess!)
instantly i love the morning breeze...made myself a hot choc and bread with cheese omelette..coz tu je yg paling senang aku nk buat ngehe..after had my shower n get ready to the shop sambil merasa gila awal la pagi ni,adalah satu kepoyooan org kat kompleks tu melihat aku kat it turned out yg depan kedai aku ni dah ade org set up stage for the kids from i dont know which nursery to perform later on..ohh well at least i'm still early kan..
so had a great weekends for u guys...and yeay! tomorrow mama balik and next week i got my self 2 days off straight...dont laugh's unsual for me...daaaaaa!
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