Wednesday, September 9, 2009


ok after i posted the previous hands are sooo gatal,i text him (after asking an advice from a several different person..) and he replied and called me :-D *big grin here*
sadly he's phone got barred (stoopid maxis) and he couldn't make any outdoor calls and receiving either..

ok instantly my whole body lifted in the air and cant barely touched the ground (what a humiliating exaggerates haha)

im getting worried bout myself now...tetapi aku adalah sgt sukaaaaaaaa ngehehhee..

it has been awhile since the last time or ages ago i felt this kind of feelings..(di kala usia ku menginjak 28 dlm 18 hari ni...dah tua2 baru nak rase balik)

p/s: elizabeth gilbert was an awesome author!this particular books are for us woman :-)


  1. tula, kita org pompuan ni cepat je pk bukan2..padahal yg lelaki rilek je.

    cth : henfon kena bar sebenornye..hahahahaha.

  2. hopefully betul la kena bar kan (haaa statement ni pun dah start pikir bkn2 hahahahha)

  3. Handphone kene bar x leh call luar and receive call? Well, if he can still sms, kenape x sms in the first place...?

    Sorry, I am a sceptic when in comes to relationships, frankly because I don't realy trust most men.

    But, we women kene think realistically la. Stop lying to oneself and each other kan kan? Cam cte "He's not that into you" to. I love that movie!
