Wednesday, September 16, 2009


i just got a msg just now from mama that we're going back to kulai first (umah my aunty) before heading to jb this fri night...supposedly in the plan kitorang balik saturday night...didnt make any different pun kan..hehehe..tapi tetiba aku rase macam alaaa nape dah nak balik?and leaving shah alam is such a lost for me...(motif tetiba rase sayang nak tinggalkan shah alam???)

actually since the first day of ramadhan i just didnt felt the spirit of it..bukan kata menyampah ke apa...i love the month of ramadhan,infact i felt really2 sad that it'll end soon..the thing is i just dont feel any excitement for hari raya itself...aku pun tak tau..nama je tempah baju and siap bli lagi baju ready made and tudung matching2 (gile poyo minah ni..kata no spirit la hape..) but still the inner magical spirits just not there yet..insyallah mane tau di kala aku tgk pelita2 kat kampung tu sok aku instantly hyper kan!

ok enough bout it...the main point is aku nak cite pasal STML aku nowadays..hehehe bkn nowadays pun tapi dah lama gak la..yang tahap masyallah...aku ni dah tua sgt2 kah??
there this one day 2 years back i think...on my way to the car,sambil on the phone dgn mak bonda aka syaza,aku pun tit tot(err...tekan kunci keta tu...aku tak tau ape definition die) la keta then sambil borak2 and end the calls...pastu tah camne aku x jumpe kunci keta..bukan ke baru tadi aku tit tot???!! huh ni nak marah..ok2 relax..then i called syaza,the conversation similar like this la.. :

me: syaza boleh tak aku tgh borak2 dgn ko dah tit tot keta pastu now tak jumpe kunci!

syaza:weiii ko biar betul...cuba ko slow2 igt fara mane ko letak?selawat banyk2...

(pastu aku pun cari2 la kat dlm keta tempat seat,blakang seat and sume2 x jumpe gak..wei ni dah kes parah ni...dah la spare key aku ilang)

me:syazaaa camne aku nk g kl ni...x jumpe okkkk!! (me half cried)

syaza:ok fara cuba ko jln ke blakang balik tgk on the way ko nak ke keta...

(and there when the miracles happened!)

me:ya allah!syaza jumpe dahhh yeayyyyy!! tapi camne leh ade atas pas tit tot terus melepaskan ke tanah la!!! *LOL* 100X

syaza:LOLLLLLLL...terguling2...tergolek2 (aku comfirm nye die jadi camni..)

eriously psycho k aku ni...kunci pun leh lepas2 kan je...and the STML goes on and on till now eh..penah after bayar tix parking kat klcc then aku terus berlalu ke keta..and just realised after herry tanye "mane tix fara?".."ya allah herry aku tertinggal kat auto pay tadi!!" then kegelupuran patah balik...nasib baik ade sorg mat rempit yg jumpe and bagi kat aku..kira dlm hal ni mat rempit ni mmg berjasa hehehe..

how la i gonna fix the probs..aiyooooo...belum ade anak lagi ni..ya allah mintak dijauhkan la dgn STML yg lagi worst dlm diri aku ni..

so have u guys experienced it?better no la is a disaster!


  1. hahahahahahaha fara fara..ko mmmg mcm tu la aku rasa ..

  2. X penah experience sbb saya x blur. Hahaha.
    Ala, biase la cmtu, kita cam tibe2 x pk kan? Hahaha. Maybe kakra nk masukkan dlm bag tp dier termiss lobang bag.

    Tp lawak seh (sbb jumpe, klu x jumpe.. naya).. Hahahahaha~ Made my day! Suka tgk org blur blur cmtu. (x sedar diri sendiri pon 2x5)

  3. kak rina-ye aku mmg dah tahap nenek!

    nina-kurengg asammmmm hahahahha!!
