Thursday, July 30, 2009

end of july..hello august!

bila dipikir2 balik kejap je masa berlalu kan...dah half year of 2009...and this coming saturday will be august...and lagi sbulan gak la age ku akan menjangkau ke angka 28..fuhhhh how time flies isnt it?but hey..age is just a number pun hehehe (nk sedapkan ati aku konon2 nya..) but deep inside my heart im still young n vibrant! :-)

ok enough bout the age thingy...the thing is starting today till sunday i'll be alone at home since mama n uncle and the rest of my aunties and uncles went to labuan for a cool is that when i'm trapped here in the shop and later on boohoo!but its ok..i'm fine here,coz this is the only time i got to have my own sweet "ME" time...its only me..somehow once in awhile its good for you to spend your own quality time only by yourself...anything would be great by doing it alone...pamper yourself to dvd at home...cook my favorite meal (fyi...whenever my mum's around she'll be doing all the cooking...don't tell me i'm a lazy bum or what aaa...its true,she'd rather be alone coz she said when i'm around its like a one hell of turbulence in the kitchen...liar ok)

so i'm planning to watch dvd tonite...ade a few yg aku bli aritu tak sempat nak tgk...since aku tak amik heavy lunch td so it'll be great to cook something hearty meals for me tgh cari resipi2 yg ringkas tp sgt lazat!soooo..... its freedom for me till this weekend!hehehehe

welcoming the month of august with greater faith and many happy returns in my life and yours too!

pada sape2 yg x ganti posa tu lagi dgn segera la laksanakan ia hehehehe...sebab aku dah ganti awal2,dgn kembangnye hahahaha...kalo takkk... selagi tak last minute selagi tu la tak terbuat..



  1. Hehe, enjoy your alone time!
    Plan nk masak ape? Tgk muwi ape?

  2. kak rina tgh bz mengganti la ni, today baru ari ke 15..ada 15 to go sbb last year x pose sebulan, mabuk mengandungkan si alya..

  3. nina- dh masak smlm...sotong n udang goreng kunyit and curry letak kacang buncis sket and wat telur dadar..just simple ade lebih then bwk bekal arini hahahah save duit

  4. kak rina-tau tak smlm tgk blog kak rina udang masak lemak dgn kacang panjang tu kan...sebenanye aku adalah nk buat begitu!!!blh tak dh tumbuk2 cili api n kunyit idup aku wal lupe santan la kan hahahhahah...tu yg terus gorengkan je..
    wahhh 15 lg eh...takpe ganti slow2...sbb preggy kan..
