Monday, July 27, 2009

and it all begins here..

morning...its nearly 10.50 am now..and as usual im in the shop..and hungry like hell...havent had my breakfast yet,mcm biasala aku pepagi dtg kedai akan on pc..check emails...on facebook...and other few website termasuk la blog2 entries fav aku...and in the same time download movies...heheheh...tu dinamakan multitask yg tersgt poyo...bkn efficient pun...

as u all know these are my first entrees...its been a long time pun i've been wanted to have my own blog..but in the end after draft and draft tak ter post2 gak blog i think this is it la...after asking my pet sis (thank u kak rina hehe) camne nk register and all...maka tercipta nya blog diriku..."the journey of me.." i got the tittle...its simple,aku nk post blog yg dtg nya from inside me..share my part of life,tp agak terlewat sket la coz dh age tua2 ni kan baru nk post blog hehehe...btw writing always been my passion ever since i was in secondary lagi..dulu hari2 aku tulis diary..dah mcm habit...balik skolah surely mlm2 before tido akan tulis...padahal time skolah tu bukannya ade interesting stories pun nak di jot down hehehe...tak pasal cikgu...homework n crush ahhahahahaha! dont play2 ar...of course what u've got a crush back then during school days...tell me who doesnt la...

so enough bout the ol days..insyallah i try to update every now and then with my blogs..with my own kind of writting...and my own kind of words..and from now,see u in my next blog!..muahhhhhss!!


  1. I remember your journal. Mcm2 ade dlm tuh, pictures and some sentimental stuff. Sgt secretive gitu. Everyday mesti tulis.

    Sampai diriku pon terikot2 ler tulis journal. But, mine didn't lasts. :)

  2. eh nina ade baca eh?wahahahhaha malu ok!zaman2 hingusan dulu..

  3. Mane boleh bace. It's all private stuff there. Kene respek. You showed me some of the stuff in there, cam gamba and junk.

    You always asked me to turn around bile mase nk sorok. But I always know where it was (dlm dresser atuk kan? Hahahaha)
