salammmm...almost a week gak aku tak post any new topics here...alhamdulillah baruje recovery from sakit mata..antibiotik pun aku dah abiskan past few now mata dah tak rasa pedih2 lagi,tapi as per doctor advice...aku kena dulu pakai specs wat masa ni...except for this coming thurs..reason why???hehehhehe...ok aku dpt offer from magazine NUR for photoshoot utk model tudung..dah nama pun magazine utk muslimah kan...they called me last week to comfirm with me..than aku ckp la aku sakit mata but they assured that within a week sure dah baik (seperti mereka saja doktor itu hehehe..)..alhamdulillah mmg dah baik...tapi now mcm rasa fobia lak nk pakai lense,coz terigt blk tragedi mata vampire aku last week heheh..photoshoot ruangan apa and pasal apa?dont ask me coz nanti sok aku nak call balik kak nina magazine NUR tu...doa2 kanla mane la tau kann murah rezeki aku jadi part time pasni hehehehe (berangannnnn....)
weekends so far ok and last thurs busu n busu zaki dtg sini stayed at crown princess then on friday diorg checked in kat concorde shah mmg dorang nak belanja la n asked me where?mmg aku suggest nkmkn kat victoria station..aiyooo i tell u the lamb cutlet is to die for and lobster with cheese...fuhhhh!tetapi disebabkan last week hujan all day n leh katakan everyday so we decided to had dinner at meltin pot in concorde i had lamb rack with herbs gravy and potatoes cake...sdapla nak lepas gian makan western..
saturday nite i had dinner with syaza in showru KJ...minah tu ngidam itik hehehe...aku biasa2 je la...coz mood ngidam tu masa awal2 mkn tu yg hyper sket...borak n borak and we decided to go to live band in concorde...lama dah ok x tgk n plus live band situ mcm open xde la mcm kat kl tu mmg ade dancefloor sume...aku pun niat bknnk enjoy2 juz nk borak2 have coffee and dgr lagu tu je...dah la vocalist female die suara tah pape!yg guys ok la...tgh dok borak2...skali tu kitorg ternampak kwn2 Mr.A...x sangka lak terserempak...pastu baru tau ofis dorg kat situ then lepak la jap dgn we all...tak lama la coz tgk jam by 12.30am aku dah mintak nk gerak n syaza pun nk balik kl..
owhh and one more thing...a new slot of schedule in my daily routine...ada gak la something yg berfaedah aku nk buat kan...alhamdulillah start last friday aku dah attend kuliah yg di organize oleh taman kesenian islam shah alam ni...actually dah lama nk cari kuliah2 ni tp tak tau katne...and last week gak la aku terjumpa balik kak suraya and aunty farid,dari kak suraya la aku tau class2 kuliah ni...thank u kak aya! :-) .the class will be held every mon,tues,wed and fri at the same venue except for thurs and sat at masjid shah sincelast sat mama xde pg raub so aku belum pegi lagi class kat masjid tu...igt dis thurs dpt pegi tp dah ada appt kat karangkraf..and weekends insyallah nak stay umah ayah kat tanjung malim...nest week la kot
all the uztaz adalah sgt2 interesting dlm kuliah termasuk ustaz salehuddin(yg ni best!),ustaz kamal asshaari(fav dgn kuliah die),ustaz zulkifli and uztaz yg a few aku penah attend..and insyallah aku jadikan rutin...bagus2 semua kuliah diorang..if u guys yg stay shah alam blh la join..time die dari 9.00am till 11.00am..insyallah dapat tambahkan ilmu pengetahuan kita :-)
ok till then i'll update u guys bout my shoot with NUR...nak tau gak kan mcm mane hehehe..
p/s:sedih kekalahan berturut lfc! :'-(
dis seasonnape la mcm ni skali????whyyyy??whyyyyyy???----->gangguan emosi jap