Tuesday, October 13, 2009

open house dan badan yg berat

last weekends was a fun fun day!i had 4 invitation for open house..all in one day...but after shortlisted the invitation...so i decided to went only 3 out of 4..(cehhhh mcm la di shortlisted kan jadi satu je kan..).the elimination for the other house tu adalah...sebab2 tertentu..heheheh no need to elaborate here la eh..ok2 back to the story...it was at mayang's my ex uitm colleague,bibi's my facebook buddies and kak nurul in putrajaya...since syaza have known mayang before this we went for her wedding so i tagged her along with me to the open house marathon..

syaza picked me up at jelatek lrt..yela it was saturday..u know la my schedule dgn transportation and all...and she told me "dont worry la beb...mlm after last open house kat putrajaya aku anta ko shah alam.." ok then only i agreed..thank u syaza!

sampai2 je dia amik aku kitorg dah sgt2 lapar...1st open house started at 4pm...huhuhu lambat la lagi kan...so we went to this restraunt in wangsa maju and had nasi campur..it was my first time afterward we lepak2 at syaza's place first..sementara nak mengosongkan perut ni dulu..at around 4-ish we straight away to mayang's in seri maya condo...cantik sgt the place!and the interior in her house was jaw dropping...credits to her n hubby i might say...memang meletops deco!sorry pic keseluruhan umah xde la kan...kang guest2 kat situ pelik lak dah kenapa amik angel2 umah...ke ko dari magazine anjung seri?

the food was varies la..roti jala nasi beriyani..sate..lemang ketupat...etc...tetapi oleh kerana ade lagi 2 rumah yg bakal dilawati...so we decided to ate in moderation...so aku just amik meehoon goreng...snap2 chit chat..even takleh lama kan kena timing...but overall i had a great time...especially dah lama tak jumpe mayang kan..so next stop was bibi's house in duta nusantara...i tell you la....the house there was my goodness...mcm ala2 laman seri kat sec 13 shah alam ni..jgn ckp la rumah bibi pun mmg vast!dalam ati aku dok berangan2...best nye nanti umah sendiri leh wat own deco mcm ni..macam tu huhuhu...ok enough!but by the time we all sampai it was maghrib and bibi's first session just ended...dia buat 2 session so its easier and xdela org terkejar2 nak dtg..so the food memang x bnyk coz waiting for the next batch...takpela janji dapat dtg n seeing her live for the first time...selama ni dok berborak dlm FB je kan..and coincidently she was nahiz wifey...what a small world la kan.

ok this time i had meehoon as well...huhuhu...coz soto die dah abis...the best part dapat jumpa muhammad bibi's son...alahaiii sgt cheeky n aodrable!waited for nahiz after solat maghrib then we make a move..aiyooo last stop putrayajaaa...time tu masing2 dah ala2 penat letih n badan dh melekit..tapi gagahkan gak..sampai2 je memang la happening...it was kak nurul's parent open house..mmg banyak food stalls but i only managed to had mee goreng only!dah tak larat n terus kenyang coz org packed sgt...yee open house aritu aku memang amik mee je la kan...at about 11.30 mcm tu kitorg balik...sian syaza kena anta aku blk shah alam...overall it was tiring but im happy la dapat jumpa bibi..kak wawa yg selama ni dlm fb je hehehe..

now i felt my whole body was bolated..i cant barely looking at my thighs..huhuhu aku dah mula mem berisi kan diri ini!i hate it....!!!after a months plus gak la x pegi gym...need to workout so badlyyyyyyyy :'-(

these are the few pics i uploaded...the rest in my FB..enjoy!

1st open house with the tuan rumah mayang

snap snap lagi..

with the tuan rumah bibi n muhammad at 2nd opn hse

as usual...self portrait..hehehe

last open house with tuan rumah kak wawa the gorgeous!

moral of the story...time open house makan je but in moderation la...later2 baru workout hehehehhe..

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